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Vaateostoksilla pääkaupungissa

Kuukauden tiiviin reissaamisen jälkeen puhki oli kuluneet niin sukat, pitkät kalsarit kuin farkutkin. Oli aika lähteä kaupoille etsimään uusia. Kiertelin kolme isoa ostoskeskusta ja lukemattomia pikkuputiikkeja enkä löytanyt mitään siinä hintaluokassa, jonka olin valmis maksamaan. Pelkkiä...

permalink written by  rosabella on January 30, 2012 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Herkuttelua mongolialaiseen tapaan

Kävelin kaupungilla kovassa pakkasessa ostamassa sitä sun tätä, koska huomenna jätetään mukava guesthouse ja suunnistetaan ulos Ulan Batorin keskustasta asumaan mongolialaisen perheen luokse. Löydettiin tämä vapaaehtoispaikka workaway -sivuston kautta, ja me asutaan perheessä ja opetetaan...

permalink written by  rosabella on January 24, 2012 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Nomadina nomadien maassa

Mongoliassa on monta päivää kulunut kuin siivillä. Heti maahan saavuttua huomattiin, että ihmiset hymyilee, on ystävällisiä meille ja puhuu englantia. Tämä yksinään oli aika shokki Venäjän kylmäkiskoisuuden jälkeen. Joka puolella näkyy kyrillisten kirjainten lisäksi tavanomaisia sanoja kuten...

permalink written by  rosabella on January 23, 2012 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

I think my eyeballs are freezing

Hi all! A Pre-warning before reading this... it may be long because I may get too over excited and tell you stupid details you don't need to know. I've fell a month behind writing my diary so this is our only records now apart from memories and of course I'm writing it and not Harri. Please...

permalink written by  harripix on November 25, 2010 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: harripix's Travel Blog

The Final Frontier

I woke up before dawn and headed to the Capital Airport in Beijing for the final leg of my journey, leaving behind a lifetime worth of memory, single-serving friends (borrowed that one from 'Fight Club'), and promises of returning to the places I visited. The heavy rainstorm continuing from the...

permalink written by  Chihyau on July 16, 2010 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Backpacking in China


Ok, Mongolia was never planned but as always the best experiences never are...It was down to Om, (That handsome chap I met in Hohhot) why I had such a precariously awesome time in a country full of wonder, tiny horses, beautiful women, a harsh climate and once home to the great Genghis Khan...

permalink written by  willrob on March 19, 2010 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Rob Williams 'a year in the making'


We arrived in Mongolia late at night. We were all roused by the ritual that is the swapping of the trains wheels. Russian and Mongolian train lines are different so the carriages have to be hoisted of their wheels and on to new ones. This is slow and noisy process but after 4 days on the train...

permalink written by  redherobluevillain7 on August 22, 2009 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Stories from the middle of the middle kingdom.

The land of the blue sky / Laq tierra del cielo azul

If someone had asked me what the most remote country in the world was, I would have answered Mongolia. Maybe because I just did not know anything about it and had never met anyone from there. They are only 2.6 million people! even less than Costa Rica. The Mongolian people have an amazing...

permalink written by  patryandjose on August 21, 2009 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Resumen de dónde estamos y para dónde vamos? - Summary of where we are and where are we going to?

Terelj National Park of Mongolia

I had a chance to visit Terelj National Park in Khentii mountains of Mongolian one of the oldest mountain in the world. Main interesting part starts when we reached Tavansalaany garam in Terelj when we stayed in the GER of local horsebreeder family. Next morning we saddle up our horses and...

permalink written by  bayaram on February 10, 2009 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Snowy summer day in Mongolia

A couple of days as a nomad!

Well not really. Jumped straight on a tour for the next morning after arriving at my guest house the Golden Gobi. A couple of nights in Gers (Yurts) one in the local national park and another with friends of the guest house owner in the middle of nowhere... theres a lot of middle of nowhere in...

permalink written by  Dan on October 29, 2008 from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Been there, Dan that!

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