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slightly disappointing toucan! rubbish!

slightly disappointing toucan! rubbish!

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by coopsandbets from Tikal, Guatemala
from the travel blog: We are off to find the wizard!

Being rainy, wet and about to jump in freezing pools! wooooooo! Spider monkey at Rincon de la vieja national park too cool for school! Just before being told to strip down and jump in the rapids! the rather rickety ferry service slightly disappointing toucan! rubbish! agouti.....just before it attacked Bets as she chowed down noisily on a large packet of crisps whilst the guide was trying to educate us on the mayan ruins! haha! WENDY.....look........she's weaving!!! Vibrant street life and mexican mans bum! breakfast time overlooking the sea

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