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Day 6 -- More St. Petersburg

On our own, we walked around the city, visited the Church of the Spilt Blood, saw AMAZING art at the Museum of Russian Art, and bought some of our own. Ended with a stop of that delectable art nouveau Eleseyev Emporium.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 25, 2017 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Northern European Captials (2017)

Day 5 - Russia!

The first day of our St. Petersburg trip. With our guide, we visited the Synagogue, Petershof, and the Hermitage, of course.

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on August 24, 2017 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Northern European Captials (2017)

Venäläisellä bussilla Pietariin

Rajan yli kiidettiin hitaasti venäläisellä bussilla ja saavuttiin Pietariin myöhään toissailtana. Matka oli junailua kiinnostavampaa ja takuulla halvempaa, bussilla pääsi kahdellakympillä. Tervetulokomitea Pietarin päässä oli mukava ja päästiin heti väsyneet matkaajat kuumaan suihkuun ja...

permalink written by  rosabella on January 6, 2012 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

The Baltics, a job and no more hitching :'(

Priviet priviet! How is life everyone? Since we last spread our news like pesticide over ravaged crops, we have been to 4 more countries, so there's a lot to tell so im gonna do some summing up. We hitched from Warsaw fairly early on the monday before last, after an interesting skype...

permalink written by  harripix on October 28, 2010 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: harripix's Travel Blog


Before going anywhere it is a good principle to research the area and what to see. Guide books are good for this of course but we found in addition an excellent website with lots of good ideas, pictures, a virtual tour and information – www.saint-petersburg.com Getting to Saint-Petersburg in...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on November 14, 2009 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Venice of the North - St Petersburg

Last day in Saint P, a sub zero sunny day and a hidden jewel

Friday 30th October A slightly more leisurely start to the day with nothing vital to do and the prospect of a long day ahead. As we opened the curtains we saw a truly glorious sunny day outside. After breakfast, we packed our bags and took them downstairs to be stored until our taxi at 3:30. ...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on November 5, 2009 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Venice of the North - St Petersburg

From the plushness of Puskin to the heights of St Isaac's and shopping at Gostinyy Dvor

Thursday 29th October Up reasonably early again, to be breakfasted and ready for our trip to Pushkin by 10. We have discovered that by taking the 'dietary breakfast' option, we get a huge breakfast; a glass of orange juice, a coffee, yoghurt, a good portion of muesli, a large fresh fruit salad...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on October 31, 2009 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Venice of the North - St Petersburg

The City and beyond

Wednesday 28th October Today was the first of our out of town tours. Our lady guide seemed a little businesslike and in trying to make small talk, I discovered that there were some no-go and sensitive areas. I guess after many years of having to be careful about what you said and to whom,...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on October 29, 2009 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Venice of the North - St Petersburg

The Hermitage no self-respecting hermit would contemplate

Tuesday 27th October Up and out fairly early to see the bronze horseman near to St Isaac's Cathedral, then on through Admiralty Gardens to be at the Hermitage shortly after opening. After a short queue to get in, another to get our tickets and a final one to deposit our coats and bags (which...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on October 28, 2009 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Venice of the North - St Petersburg

Churches, bridges and men in tights.

Saturday 24th October Up at 5 and left the cottage at 6. Surprisingly heavy traffic, light rain but reached T2 for 7:15. Although we had checked in online, KLM have made the mistake of leaving the airport check in robots at the entry to the queues for the baggage drop, so people that hadn't...

permalink written by  rickandsuejohnson on October 26, 2009 from Saint Petersburg, Russia
from the travel blog: Venice of the North - St Petersburg

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