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The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High

a travel blog by Patrick

So, I love to travel. Of all things that I hope to do in my life it is in the top three with out doubt. I am 21 years old, and I am sophomore in college majoring in Biochemistry and Neuroscience. I am studying in Barcelona right now, and I will soon be back hopefully to study in the UK.
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Day 1: What to say?

Barcelona, Spain

So...I am new to this whole world of blogging and the blog-o-sphere as I have come to think of it. I find very interesting the lives that we live precariously through the internet we have come so far since the 1950’s or so far back in the minds of others. I have been in Barcelona for about two months now. I have to be nearing the anniversary shortly although I really don’t keep track of those sorts of details. My life is to full to worry about suchs…although it would be nice to know honestly…oh how far a little organization would go in my life.

I wish that I would have found out about this web-site sooner. I just finished a month like adventure in Europe until I came to study in Barcelona to study. I was in England, Germany, Italy, and France…I am not stationed here in Spain until December 1st when my parents arrive and the new adventures begin. Oh I am excited!


permalink written by  Patrick on November 12, 2007 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
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Oh the weekend...

Barcelona, Spain

Anyway, I am here in Barcelona sitting in the computer lab quitely listening to the hum of computers and the quite pecking my fingers are making on the keyboard. I had a hard time sleeping last night because of something I was listening to on radio. I don´t if any of you listen to This American Life (http://www.thislife.org/) with Ira Glass on NPR. If you don´t...you should. It was the most amazingly akward show I think that I have ever heard in all the years that I have been listening to it. It was about a man who as a child watched / heard the death and rape of his mother. Now, the gentleman is going around making a documentry about the killing in every aspect. It was so unbelievable to sit and to listen to this man recount perhaps the most painful 30 minutes of life over a 2 hours documentry. He said it was to bring closure, but if even he admitts that it just seemed to open up new wounds. What do you think? Do you think that you could go back and look back at the death of one the people you love most in your life? I am quite certain that I don´t think that I could. I am to reserved. Reserved is a funny world that I just tryed to apply to myself...Hahaha. I am not reserved, but I guess in this case I think I would have a reserved reaction. At least I hope that I would have that type of reaction.

Anyway, this picture is from two weekend ago when me and some friends went to San Sebastian to escape from the city for awhile. I mean Barcelona is great don´t get me wrong, but I am country boy at heard. I like watching sunsets unpolluted by the hustle and bustle of cars and smog. Granted, there can be a certain beauty in this hustle and bustle but normally for me it wears off. I think this time in Barcelona has reaffirmed something that I have been trying to hide for awhile. I like the city. I like the city alot. I like the country more though. I think the best outlook I can have on life is that to life somewhere out in the boon docks like my grandma and then commute to work every...Sorry enviromentalist. I will try to car-pool. My dad car-pooled for 20 years and then the man he car-pooled with stopped working...well retired I should say. I remember waking up in the morning hear the screaming of the coffe grinder and my dad was getting his morning brew ready. I would eat cheerio...I think I soley supported general mills for the first ten years of my life breakfast was ALWAYS the same. Cheerios, a little sugar, and Bananas with apple juice...weird combination...don´t hate me.

Anyway, I have been craving American food....Wait not american food in the sense of all that shitty McDonalds that they be pass'in off as food. I want Biscuits and Buttermilk Gravy with small chucks of bacon miked for breakfast. For lunch hot Potate Soup the fatting way...ie lots of cream! Then for dinner. Roast, Potatoes and Carrots. I would explode after eating of all that but then I would actually be able to stop thinking about. The food here in Barcelona is good. Its very good. I really like the use of lentil I am going to try to incorporate it more into my diet when I get back. Also, Tuna. I used to be on the minimalist side of the tuna affair now I am full-fledged national pride member of the group Tuna Lovers Unite.

Till Later...Parents are coming soon!

permalink written by  Patrick on November 13, 2007 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Dailys

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Why did I even think about!

Barcelona, Spain

I don't know why I even started to think about it. So for you have been keeping a running tally on my blog. I was thinking about American food this morning. And, so what did I decide to do for lunch when my Senora didn't give something that was not filling enough...I went to them Golden Arches. Like a Dumb American. Can I have two small hamburgers please! I am so angry at my self!!!!

Till Later.

permalink written by  Patrick on November 13, 2007 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Dailys

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Barcelona, Spain

Hi! This is short. Hello!

permalink written by  Patrick on November 19, 2007 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
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Those last days...

Barcelona, Spain

Hey folks...So my time here in Barcelona in starting to wind down. I just realized that I just payed for internet once again...I was try to avoid doing before I had to leave to begin the world adventures with my parents. I am actually excited because I have seen them in about five months! They are coming to Madrid on December 3, 2007. It should be awesome. AWESOME. We are going to be doing the world-wind tour of Europe and everyhting.

The rought plan is

Madrid then off to Sevilla and then Cordoba, Grenada, and some other place. Then back to Madrid then Barcelona then Paris for xmas!!! YEAH BABY! Then London! WOOT.

I am super excited. I am in process of trying to put of the pictures for like the last five months of my life. Be awhere that I have gotten behind. So, it will take me awhile. I hope that I will have it all done soon. SOON I say...

Till Later,

Patrick L. Cavins

permalink written by  Patrick on November 21, 2007 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Barcelona and Yak

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Sometimes I just wonder...

Rome, Italy

Okay...So this picture is completely random, but in the end I am glad that I took the time to take it. This was a sandwich bar that God sent from heaven to fill the very hungry stomachs of some happy travelers! It was so GOOD GOOOD. It's name as you can tell is Giroki...If you go. I would with out a doubt in the world get a Pechuga sandwich. That's spanish for chicken breat sandwich...which is amazing! I think that we ate there like 3 times in the end...So back today. I just got to Rome and checked into our hostel. We are staying at hte Backpacker's Hostel...How original no? :-) Sotimes, I think that I should be slapped. Anyway, It's quite nice and it has all this writing EVERYWHERE. On the walls, floors, tables...I would sure hate to clean this place. Anyway, Rome is going to be amazing. I was just here in August, but I am so excited to come back. The Vatican, The Roman Forum (as if there would be an other forum in "Rome"), The Collesseum...WORD! Also, I am excited because I am here with some of the funnest people that I have met in recent years. I will have to post some pictures of them...Their names are Kevin, Yvonne, and Zach. Sometimes we take Yvonne out of the fun catergories and put here in the "otra" category...but ya know. So the parents are coming...IN LESS THAN A WEEK! You should be excited because I know that I am...December 2, 2007! The second set of adventures start. We need to come with a good name for this trip...Any suggestions?

permalink written by  Patrick on November 23, 2007 from Rome, Italy
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Dailies

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News...Of the City

Rome, Italy

Hey! So today was day 1 of the three in Rome..We were really tied and I think that we didn't get at much done as we were hoping to get done...We did get to go Saint Maria Maggoria Chiesa...Which was AMAZING! If you have been to Monreale in Sicily it looks like the entire of that church because it is of the same special Siclian Style...Anyway, Today we met his really nice girl from Denmark in our hostel. We are going to go the Vatican Museum, San Pierto, Pantheon, Colosseo...And much more! It is going to be awesome! AWESOME! No?

So yesterday was the Turkey Day in the states...I missed everyone SO much...In am so excited to hear that everyone what have a good day and able to enjoy it. Enjoy it!


permalink written by  Patrick on November 23, 2007 from Rome, Italy
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Dailys

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Looking for a name?

Rome, Italy

Hello! So my parents are coming in about a week...I cannot wait, but I need something to call this adventure. We are going to Spain, France, and the UK! I need help. GIVE ME IDEAS!!!!

permalink written by  Patrick on November 23, 2007 from Rome, Italy
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Dailys

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GOOD BYE...Rome. La Cíta Eterna.

Rome, Italy

So Guys...Tomorrow we leave the Eternal City. This is my third time to Rome, and I am still in love with it! I couldn't believe how much more there was to see on this third visit. This time new...I went to Bascilica San Giovanni Laterno and Chiesa Santa Maria Maggiore. They both have their own distinct set of features. Sante Maria Maggiore is a 5th century Romanasque church. The inside is brillant. It has some many little naves which were amazing! Also, the style is very similar to Monreale in the north of Sicily close to Palermo. Also, we went to Bascilica San Giovanni Laterno. AMAZING. It was the papal palace until the late 14th Century when Saint Peter's was completed and then began to house the pope. It's inside was full of mosaics which is amazing. Also, the cloister was amazing. It had all these old artifacts from the church and everything which was associated with it. It was built by Constanstine which is just cool. The only thing which is annnoying about the church is that...It is cool and almost equally cool to Saint Peter's but they are doing little to keep it up...If the restored the cloister and everything it would be so amazing. It would incredibly amazing. Also, I went back to Saint Peter's this trip. It is still moving. You feel something each time that you go inside...It just so immensly large and tribute to one the eternal Powers of the world. No matter you opinion of the Catholic Church. I think that I have to feel some respect for somthing so awe-inspiring. Also, we went to Trevi fountain...many other things. Also, we went to see this FREE choral concert (check out: www.40concierti.it) it was good. I think they have many throughout the year and is definetly worth of time! We are going HOME!

permalink written by  Patrick on November 25, 2007 from Rome, Italy
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Dailys

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Barcelona, Spain

So my days in the great city of Barcelona are starting to wind down! I am sad and excited at the same time and it has given me the ability to make some final reflections about the city that I hav called home for about three months. Barcelona is GREAT, but its the city that the guide books and people make it out to be...I came here think that Barcelona was the Rome inquivalent of the Milan / Rome complex...no. Barcelona is a HUGE busiling metrolopis where Spanish isnt the primary languare. I think that this one of the things that was most frustrading...You want to watch the new ehh? We it is generally in Catalan which as it is similar to Spanish isnt closely related to where you can understand it...

Also, the city lacks something that for me turned out to be more important that I ever though...Green Spaces! They dont have them her...they have brown spaces, but that arent green and when they have green spaces they are not for laying in, taking naps in, playing in...all things that us Knox students grow accosted to in the smalled levels.

Also, the city has some great museums...I didnt like the quote "popular museums" I really liked the Museum of Egptology and the Museum of Martimes which were so cool...I think that La Sagrada Familia is over-rated and ugly. Sorry Dali...Also, I think that Picasso Museum could be a moving work but intested is to pale and white like classical museum..Sorry travel guides....

Let's see...Palacio Nacional is amazing! It has some of the best art in all of Barça. Also, I was thinking that ever one here should SKIP the way croweded strees of Passeig de Gracia and instead wander through the street of Gran de Gracia if you REALLY want to Knox what Barça life is like...Also, lets see. If you get a change the going to this one bar to this one bar called Catedrá its on the corned of Gran Via and MontBau...IT IS AMAZING! Make sure that you Suizo or Irish Coffee...Or 43 and coke! MMMmmmHHHmmm...Lets see. There is more....You have to go Chupitos! WOW! Go on a Th cause Fri. it is so full of people and smoke you think that your eyes might fall out of your head...Also, if you got the need to "to pop lock and drop it" you have to go to Catwalk or Bikini...so good! Bring your A game though or you won´t make it through the door.

Also, Tibidabo is waste.

Montjuic is cool and you can spend a whole day just wondering around the old Olympic Park and everything...I think its better than Parc Gruel just cause there is SO many less people...Also, I was def recommend getting coffee at this bar place called....mmm...Midnight Something...It is good!

So Barça overall you are like 7.5 Stars out of 10. It´s not you falt that the city is lame. I blame Catalan in sweet loving sort of way while I quite try to take off of this planet.

permalink written by  Patrick on November 28, 2007 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
tagged Dailys

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So I am new to this whole world of blogging, but I am going to to try to dive right in! I am 21 and I am currently studying in Barcelona, Spain for a semester. My real major back at Knox (where I go to college) is Biochemistry and Neuroscience (maybe). I thinking of chaning to Spanish...

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