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The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
Patrick's Travel Blog
The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"

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So I am new to this whole world of blogging, but I am going to to try to dive right in! I am 21 and I am currently studying in Barcelona, Spain for a semester. My real major back at Knox (where I go to college) is Biochemistry and Neuroscience (maybe). I thinking of chaning to Spanish and Biochemistry because I just like to much because it allows me use such a completely different part of my brain that what I use for Biochemistry and other nerd stuff. Anyway, I really enjoy music. I think that I would die without iTunes and Podcast. I have this really really bad habit of where I feel like I need to be connected all the time. I think that it is something which is coming with my generation. I am not quite convinced that it is a good thing yet...I am on my way though because I am starting this blog. My picture is from my grandma's house. She lives out in the boon-docks and it is about the most amazing place. I think that it will never get sold at least I now to member of my family who will never let it go...

So. I think that should do for now. If think that I left something like really important out the just send me a message and I will put it up.


Jerseyville, United States


Arrival is an odd beast. On one hand you are happy to be home and to be with people that you have seen in like forever! On the other hand you are sort of bummed out...You adventure IS over!

So the flight how was WAY better than expected. It was actually GREAT AMAZING! I had about the best food, Vegi Lasagna on Aer Lingus! WOA! Also, I was thinking I met some of the coolest people on the plane. I was seated next to a guy name George and he was librarian for Trinity College in Ireland. If you don't what Trinity is...it is like one the OLDEST school in the world I believe. It was so cool talked to him...

Till Later.


permalink written by  Patrick on December 31, 2007 from Jerseyville, United States
from the travel blog: HOME!
tagged Dailys

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Jerseyville, United States


Arrival is an odd beast. On one hand you are happy to be home and to be with people that you have seen in like forever! On the other hand you are sort of bummed out...You adventure IS over!

So the flight how was WAY better than expected. It was actually GREAT AMAZING! I had about the best food, Vegi Lasagna on Aer Lingus! WOA! Also, I was thinking I met some of the coolest people on the plane. I was seated next to a guy name George and he was librarian for Trinity College in Ireland. If you don't what Trinity is...it is like one the OLDEST school in the world I believe. It was so cool talked to him...

Till Later.


permalink written by  Patrick on December 31, 2007 from Jerseyville, United States
from the travel blog: HOME!
tagged Dailys

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Barcelona, Spain

hello everyone, i am sure you are all getting ready for the big day, we are watching the crazy activities from here. we spent last night at a german bar and had a great time i got a little drunk on my mojotio but it was great we had the best pizza i think i have ate in my life we did get the ingredients and might try it at home..the place was a mom and pop and when we left we felt like family. there was one thing that happened that was so funny these people came in and set next to us they were chatting away and all of a sudden the man fell flat on his back legs in the air the whole bit we were laughing and dave yells ole we were just laughing our buts off. he was a little drunk so it was ok. we spent the day seeing many sights the one that sticks out was a park that i wanted to see it was done by gaudi never the less when you see the photo of me at the top of this hill staight up the we climbed you will go i cant believe she did it. the view was amazing and the sea was so visible fromn the top. today we are going on another walking tour, we are meeting more friends of pats tonight for dinner it is really nice to hear someone else speaking english. please excuse no caps but i have not figured out the keyboard yet it is a little different than ours. have a great day all and write back, hope all is weathering the snow and you hve power. has anyone talked to beth to see how things are going'

permalink written by  Patrick on December 20, 2007 from Barcelona, Spain
from the travel blog: The weekend adventures of the kids at Piedmont High
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catching everyone up

Madrid, Spain

I know it has been awhile but we have been going non stop daily and nightly. It is so hard to get caught up with the people and there ways that is eating late. I will say though these Spainards are a little rude, if they spoke my language there would be some serious battles. Oh well enough about that. We have seen some wonderful sights while in Madrid, the Christmas displays are just out of this world. They line a whole street when I say street I am talking miles and it is with very ornate lighting from fiber optic to wording I will try to get a photo this is done on all the streets, they have planted poinsettia all around the plazas and fountains. This may not seem like a big deal but there is a plaza about every 4 blocks and fountains in between them so all you can see is alot of red. If you have ever watched a film and you see a 100's of cars going around in circle with a fountain in the middle that is how it really is there are jettas of each side and you have to be in the right on our you will get honked at these people love there horns.....I have never seen so many people out walking and shopping I am talking body to body it is stressing. They really don't have big malls they have little shops that line the streets. You walk to EVERYTHING AND YOU CARRY EVERYTHING WITH YOU, laundry, carpeting,furniture we saw two people carrying a sleeper sofa down the street can u image what that sucker weighed? I think if I spoke the language I could learn to like the hustle of it all. Today we went to the Royal Palace and saw how the better half lived my god there was more gold and silver in there rooms than I have ever seen, dinning room table that could feed 70 people a room other than the bedroom that the king prepared to dress in? what's that all about they were not talking the bathroom this room was done in silk, gold and statues. Like I side were the other half lives. We had dinner at a place called vips it is like a dennys rest. it was good. Here is a concept of the cost of things a lady bought 5 packs of stick orbit gum her cost 5.40 euro me I bought 1 hershey candy bar and was asked for 2.00 euros I think I got the better deal? Well enough about us. I am so sorry to hear that you have freezing rain and snow, also heard there has been some power outages hope everyone is weathering that good. Ellen have you checked on my kitties? Here is something funny we were eating breakfast today and these two young women were behind us speaking our language and we keyed into that and they were from St. Louis andd get this one of them went to slu and roomed with a stumpe from jerseyville Sally Stumpe my friendd kathy steins sister in law what a small world we live in. Well to bed I must go have to be ready by nine and it is 11:30 p.m. past my bed time.
Till next time stay warm and try to find us on a map.....

permalink written by  Patrick on December 15, 2007 from Madrid, Spain
from the travel blog: The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"
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Why "Bitching isn't cool!"

Madrid, Spain


So, yesterday was a great day! We went to the El Museo del Prado. The Louvre of Spain, but not quite as high one the "wordly" must see lists.

So, I have been reading some entrys of a fellow blog-a-bond user and decided to address them head on.


2.) Traveling is the experience of life time, and people lots of people give anything to have the opportunity that you have!

3.) IT'S FREE! This trip is free with for you! It is "included" in your year long stay package to BCN. You therefore have the chance to do what you want when you want to do it! You don't have to go on all the "death marches" you can sit them. I know that Tim isn't going to force any one to do something that they don't want to do. You should enjoy life!


With Lots of Love,

Patrick ;-)

permalink written by  Patrick on December 14, 2007 from Madrid, Spain
from the travel blog: The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"
tagged Dailys

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Madrid old Madrid

Madrid, Spain

This walking for 3 hrs. has got 2 stop!!!! Dad a Mom can not take it anymore. We have taken in so much words can"t describe it. The buildings every turn you make there is another one just as granduar. Thersa we visited Alhambra in Granda and thought of you with the history. Yes i have done it I have drove on the autovia and I was able to maintain my speed at a little over 100mph and people were still passing me. Pat has did alot of the driving and he has done great, David is the co-captain he is suppose to watch for the street signs but he forgets what he is doing. Before we left seville we visited Santiponce a village that contains one of the most important and largest Roman ruins in Spain. This was GREAT the streets, buildings, amphtheate was still there type in santiponce and see what u can find. gotta go we are heading out for breakfast and then to a muesuem. find us if u can

permalink written by  Patrick on December 13, 2007 from Madrid, Spain
from the travel blog: The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"
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Madrid, Spain


So today we arrived in Madrid! It is a great city! We did alot of walking today! We walked down like Mall Avenue in Madird full of shops. Mom went to Corte Inglese. She tried on a Gucci watch. It was about 1,000 USD. HOT DAM...no!?!?! We also ate some good food, I had Lentil Caserole and Turkery Planks. Dad had Consume and Ox Tail (mmmhhhmmm!). Mom had Veggi Puree and Beef Ragu! It was SO good. We got wine and desert and after dinner booze too!

Tomorrow is going to be a big day! We are going to the Prado and some other places! I am really really excited about the Prado it is sort of like the Louvre of Spain just not quite as big. Also, we are going to be doing some shopping mom needs to buy her spanish purse and dad is getting antsy. Not in a good way mind you!


permalink written by  Patrick on December 12, 2007 from Madrid, Spain
from the travel blog: The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"
tagged Dailys

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A Note.

Malaga, Spain

To Whomever:

I would like to clearly to state that whomever thought that sticking two cavins and one dungy inside a car for 5 days should be shot. I am not certain what does it, but I do know that the situation is definitely less than "friendly." We get in the car and with out reason voices and blood pressure raise. In the following 20 minutes phrases like "What the F*** are you doing!" start and "You either need to drive or look at the scenery!" too!

Nonetheless, this trip has been simply simple amazing! I don't think that words can begin to explain the Mezquita of Cordoba and the Alhambra of Granada. They are simply breathtaking. I really liked the Alhambra I just think that the Mezquita in all that it is cannot even come close to the intricate work and inlay of the Alhambra. Also, we went on a drive through the mountains, the Sierra Nevadas, and the view was amazing! It was of those sort of foggy days and the sun was bouncing of all the light from the water and the fog. I will try to add pictures soon!

We are now in Malaga and from the first look it seems to be the most "unspanish" of what we have seen so far. For mom it has LOTS of shopping. Funny moment today, so we are walking down the street and up ahead we see this HUGE HUGE market like at least 6 or 7 blocks long. Dad sees it and then forces Mom to cross the street on the pretense that "its quicker that way" ;) Thats Love!

ALSO, We got a Toyota Prius for a rental car! Very cool! It's a great car in my-o-so humble opinion. We have a V6 with a red exterior and grey interior. It's cool to watch the way the car deals out of the energy.

Let see...Today we had a good Spanish lunch. What are the keys to a good Spanish lunch you say?

1.) Eat after 2:00 PM
2.) Don't finish till 4:30 PM
3.) Wine is always included.
4.) Coffee too.
5.) Tapas are for tourists
6.) A wait staff that doesn't want to give you the bill
7.) Good food.


permalink written by  Patrick on December 9, 2007 from Malaga, Spain
from the travel blog: The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"
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here it goes

Granada, Spain

We have walked a million Miles probably not that much but my footies feel like it. we visited Alhambra today what a wonderful temple. we went up into the sierrie neveda mountains yesterday they had got the first snowfall and all the skiers were out. the terrain is somewhat like the southwest very arid and mountainess and some great peaks in the valleys. we are at the lady gaudaloupe hotel it is nice the wifi is down so i am working on a different computer so bear with the mistakes. We are headed out to another location i dont remember i will have to look at my list. gotta go
talk again soon love the cavins

permalink written by  Patrick on December 8, 2007 from Granada, Spain
from the travel blog: The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"
tagged Dailys

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hello r u forgetting something??????

Sevilla, Spain

We have spent another day exploring. we have seen some wonderful sights
we visited the Cathedral of Seville it had some very interesting and beautiful paintings and the iron sculptors. We also went to the Plaza of the americas this place has some outstanding ceramic tiles they encompassed the entire area. This was also the place that we saw the largest nativity scene in the world. The weather is wonderful here we are enjoying Spring like weather. We are off to cordoba Dec 7th this will be the most trying time because dave will be driving. Ellen and Jo it is so cool here they honk there horns ALOT WITH attitude god i cant wait till i drive.....gotta go its late AND PAT gets us up REALLY REALLY early. Dave says hi...nos vemos pronto (see ya soon)
p.s. we have added more pictures

permalink written by  Patrick on December 5, 2007 from Sevilla, Spain
from the travel blog: The Misadventures of Family in Europe for a Month of "I don't Knows" and "What did he say again?"
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