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Italian adventure

a travel blog by katieandboo

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Naples, Italy

Ciao tutti!!
I dont even know where to begin here....I guess ill start from the beginning...when i got here i felt very out of place and needless to say, alone, since no one spoke english. That quickly changed as my roommates started calling me Katy Perry and trying to speak with my (in broken english and me in broken italian). The room set up is, in my apt, two bedrooms and one bathroom (3 girls). In the next door apartment it is same set up accept second room is a very small kitchen, and two girls. the kitchen is about two arm spreads wide and about one deep. With a fridge, sink and two hot plates. Somehow the 5 of us make it work. We eat lunch and dinner together too. Which is very nice and provides extra time for me to learn italian. They laugh at me when I pronounce wrong and I when they completely get the word wrong. I have had espresso at least once a day if not twice. Pasta every day so far and tonight we just went out as a team and had pizza...needless to say I am in carb heaven!!!
Training has been fine I love my keeper coach and my head coach is awesome too, he knows some english but I can tell the girls love him, very funny. And I like my teammates, I think they like having me to try and shoot the shit with in the little english they know. They will try to say something and when it is totally wrong the other girls laugh at them. I however will not be cleared to play until mid december I believe, because of paperwork. Which is good cuz I need to learn italian soccer words.
Their is a little field up behind our apartment about a block and a half away. Their is also basketball girls living behind us and tennis players all around us. Of cours they are Italian and I have only met one basketball player no tennis players. Oh but I also met an american guy who coaches american football over here so that is funny! The city is small and boring, but its Italy. Oh the temp is weird its warm during the day like 55 or so and at night it is down right freezing!! And our practices are at night!! Thankfully we have some pretty warm gear, one real nice big puffy jacket that I am in love with!!
Ok well I should get to bed, but miss and love you all!!

permalink written by  katieandboo on November 18, 2011 from Naples, Italy
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Naples, Italy

We went to Rome on sunday for a big game and we won 1-0!! It was pretty cool everyone was singing and dancing after in the locker room. Our pregame meal was huge, first there was a big plate of veggies, then big plate of pasta, then plate of brescola, and finally a apricot lemon tart dessert thing. Needless to say I was completely stuffed after all that food was glad I didn't have to play. When we got back my roommate and I just grabbed a pizza next door for our dinner. Our basketball friend came over too, viviana. My roommate sylvia was tired and viv was hungover so we were all pretty goofy. They asked me about my scars and I tried to explain in italian how I got them, with a lot of body language ha. Needless to say we were all rolling laughing that night with our horrible Italian and English. Was a fun night though.

Yesterday I went with viv to the city Vomero where she has her therapy. While she did therapy I went to a street that has a lot of shops and had my breakfast at a bar, a cappuccino and chocolate croissant. I just walked around looking at the jobs, although I did buy a notebook finally. When viv met back up with me she bought a shirt for her friends bday. Oh and today it is vivs bday, not sure if we are going out to celebrate or not.

Oh so also found out the team gives us, or is supposed to, money for food every week but they dont. So right now in our fridge we have water butter a pear mortadella ham and cheese. Somehow they expect 5 of us to be able to eat 3 meals off of that. needless to say that is why we eat like poor people, a lot of pasta meals no veggies and picking up pizzas. Hopefully they pay us tonight so tomorrow we can go to the grocery store. The city I live in is actually Agnano so if you look it up youll see its dullness ha. But you can see Vesuvio from here so that is kinda cool.
Oh and last night I was on the Italian news. I am pretty sure I look like an idiot I was so nervous. Its the napoli sport news, if I find the link I'll share it, maybe ;) ha
ALthough we are locked in this area at least my housemates don't work so there is usually 3 of us at least around the house.

Ok I should go run I will add a video and pic too.

permalink written by  katieandboo on November 22, 2011 from Naples, Italy
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happy thanksgiving

Agnano, Italy

So we went to the Vivi House to sing happy bday and met a bulgarian so now I have a friend who speaks English. He is one of the basketball players brother who is here till xmas and looking to get picked up on a team.
Oh after practice the other day we went to a pizzeria and watched the Napoli vs manchester city game. Was insane!!! You could hear all the people in the stadium from our House they were so loud. Everytime Napoli did something good or bad the restaurant erupted. Was a lot of fun to be around.
Last night after practice my Housemates and I went to our physical trainers House for dinner. His wife made us baked ziti, Chicken and potatoes, this pizza thing with vegtable cheese and sausage, then dessert. Also 3 bottles of wine and this horrible dark thick licorice tasting drink. It was a lot of fun, we were there for about 2.5 hrs. Oh ya and then they started saying I look italian and like one f their friends. They got on facebook to show me a picture, I didn't really see it but they all agreed I looked like her and started calling me Lara. Overall a great night.
Today I went on an adventure with the bulgarian. We tried to get to the top of this hillside, which we failed. Then walked to a High Point to see the the water and harbor of Pozzuoli, very beautiful. Today is super hot I am guessing 65 or 70!!
I was going to go to one of the younger americans House for thanksgiving but I have practice so its not going to happen.

Ok lunch is served

permalink written by  katieandboo on November 24, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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happy belated to my gma!!

Agnano, Italy

Went to a bar with two of my housemates and some basketball players on friday. Super fancy, also had some food snacks sitting around to eat, pasta fritatta etc. Was a good time had a few drinks and danced then headed home around 3. We finally got paid for food so sat. 3 of my housemates and I went to the grocery store, bought a bunch of food but very little veggies and fruit. When we got back we all changed to go meet our team at a pub. Went to watch the Napoli game and have some dinner. I had their version of the philly cheese steak, was actually very good.
Sunday we had a game at our home stadium which is at the base of a castle and the edge of the water in Baccoli. Very pretty. Our pre-game meal consisted, again, of pasta steamed veggies prosciutto with parma bread water and a fruit tart for dessert. These people can freaking eat let me tell ya. We won our game and made it into the guiness book of world records because apparently they have not lost a game in a whole year. I got interviewed after the game but it was in English which was great, and kinda funny!
Oh forgot to mention that all my housemates smoke so every day my clothes and hair smell like smoke, I hate it!! Think im gonna get lung cancer before they do because of all the second hand I consume.
Yesterday was a good day went for a run up this steep hill and got a pretty view at the top. Afterwards I went looking for stamps, which I didn't find, and discount markets. I found a big indoor market which was cool with all the different vendors. I also found two regular discount markets where I bought mushrooms and tomatoes, oh and I bought 2 kilos of Apples, that way i have veggies and fruit. By the time I got back we had lunch then hung out with vivi then I read a little and it was time for practice. Oh ya they moved practice from today to monday because Napoli has a game tonight so we have the night off. Which I better go get ready for.

permalink written by  katieandboo on November 29, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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happy belated to my gma!!

Agnano, Italy

Went to a bar with two of my housemates and some basketball players on friday. Super fancy, also had some food snacks sitting around to eat, pasta fritatta etc. Was a good time had a few drinks and danced then headed home around 3. We finally got paid for food so sat. 3 of my housemates and I went to the grocery store, bought a bunch of food but very little veggies and fruit. When we got back we all changed to go meet our team at a pub. Went to watch the Napoli game and have some dinner. I had their version of the philly cheese steak, was actually very good.
Sunday we had a game at our home stadium which is at the base of a castle and the edge of the water in Baccoli. Very pretty. Our pre-game meal consisted, again, of pasta steamed veggies prosciutto with parma bread water and a fruit tart for dessert. These people can freaking eat let me tell ya. We won our game and made it into the guiness book of world records because apparently they have not lost a game in a whole year. I got interviewed after the game but it was in English which was great, and kinda funny!
Oh forgot to mention that all my housemates smoke so every day my clothes and hair smell like smoke, I hate it!! Think im gonna get lung cancer before they do because of all the second hand I consume.
Yesterday was a good day went for a run up this steep hill and got a pretty view at the top. Afterwards I went looking for stamps, which I didn't find, and discount markets. I found a big indoor market which was cool with all the different vendors. I also found two regular discount markets where I bought mushrooms and tomatoes, oh and I bought 2 kilos of Apples, that way i have veggies and fruit. By the time I got back we had lunch then hung out with vivi then I read a little and it was time for practice. Oh ya they moved practice from today to monday because Napoli has a game tonight so we have the night off. Which I better go get ready for.

permalink written by  katieandboo on November 29, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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A routine

Agnano, Italy

Wednesday I went up to the field and did a circuit workout, finally getting some sort of routine which is nice. We had simple pasta for lunch(garlic and peppers) good.  Then Maria and her mother showed up with bags of food!!  I think I had a smile the whole time she was unpacking.  Pasta coffee nutella chicken meat VEGGIES!!!  So much food.  Needless to say after prac we had a great dinner, a steak like meat and salad with bread. Oh and wine typical of their region, very good.  
Thursday went for a run up my hill and went into an area that was supposed to have a lil lake, there was too many trees and bushes to get through tho. Downloaded some more Italian apps so studied until lunch. Which was incredible!!  We had pasta with carne very good don't know the sauce but light and clear then eggplant rolled sandwich type things. Also a mix of steam/sautéed veggies (eggplant zucchini tomatoe peppers onions) and of course bread!  Needless to say I was completely stuffed and content :)
When it came time for prac I was still full and burping the veggies ha. We scrimmaged against a boys team In the fog. Let me tell you I have never played in such thick fog. Some points couldn't see the circle before the half.  I couldn't tell where the ball was until last min. I could tell when it was getting closer to me because my defenders would be backing up, but it wasn't until a boy broke through on a foot race against a defender that I would really know what side of the field they were on. 
After prac we all went to dinner in a town closer to napoli.  Had an assortment of bruschetta (tomato basil, mushroom, cheese and prosc, and one with corn) had stuffed zucchini flowers, mozzarella arugula and prosc, then ur main course.  Sooo good!!!  Again over ate too full. We had this dinner because our one teammate vale is leaving for a while to play in games with the national team. 
Today I said I'm not gonna eat but of course that's not true. Been loving my Italian bfasts.  A lot of frezeines cafe blood orange juice and or nutella treats. Sometimes cereal :) 
Its dumping right now hopefully it slows and I'll go workout. Have a great Friday everyone!!  Safe travels to my fam!

permalink written by  katieandboo on December 2, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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Agnano, Italy

Not much to report from the weekend even though we had two days off, because I was SICK!! Woke up saturday with, what im guessing, was the flu. Basically layed in bed all day except to walk to the store and buy some fruit and some juice. Then sunday a little better my fever broke, but still stayed around the House and ate. Monday was fitness practice which sucked cuz I thought my chest was going to explode! in the end probably helped kick the bug a little bit. That night went out to eat with some friends and had a very good meal. First some ricotta with bread and prosciutto oh and buffalo mozz. Then had my pizza with mushrooms, very good!!! I love my meals here! Oh and my other Housemates mom was here and she made tiramisu and brought some real sicilian cannolis needless to say they were both off the hook and best things ive ever had!!
Yesterday was very chill went on a long walk to Pozzuoli which was nice and prac. After prac we had to go support our head manager guy at his book opening. So we didn't get to eat dinner until 12!!! I was so hungry and tired they got to see a piece of the true katie, hungry grump!
Oh went to immigration office yesterday too, so now I am all set up and legally officially here! Found out I may not be playing in a game till Jan now which makes me super bummed cuz then I def could have gone home for xmas, super bummed :(
today worked out at the Field its finally nice today. The past 4 days have been crazy rainy and windy! Got prac tonight then off tomorrow so hopefully some fun adventure awaits!

permalink written by  katieandboo on December 7, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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catch up

Agnano, Italy

Its been a while sorry about that just kinda flew by. I'll try to catch up the quick version. Wednesday had practice and after we went to our restaurant to watch Napoli play villa real and they won which is huge for Napoli! Was a lot of fun to watch and got to eat a big salad and some chicken! Thursday we had practice off so I walked to Bagnali to find all stores closed because it was a holiday for the virgin Mary. I hung with two housemates for a while then ended up making my own dinner, chicken pesto pasta, very good. They then went out for dinner and I just went to my room read and went to bed. Ran the mighty hill on friday and made it back just before it started to pour!! Still super congested which sucks for working out but im pushing through it. Had a chill training talked to my keeper coach to try and sort out the mail issue here hopefully get a base address so I can actually receive mail. Sat went to a big grocery store mall area with the bulgarians then went to the basketball game that night, they won! After we met a bunch of teammates at our restaurant for dinner I had another salad and chicken sandwich. We ended up having 9 people sleeping at our house because we were leaving for sicily at 6:30am. We had so many people because some lived too far away it was just easier. After our flight to milan we arrived in sicily and then to the field. We won our game in the last 15 min which was very important win. Then back to the airport for dinner and our flight at 9. I gotta say Sicily cannolis are off the hook I had two in the airport and brought one back to Napoli for the next morning....sooo good!! Yesterday I enjoyed my cannoli and a cup of coffee before I went to the outlet stores with the Bulgarians. Was a lot of fun bought a pair of shoes but spent way too much time there left at 11 got home at 4:30 so I was starving. I was able to squeeze in a sandwich and a workout before it got too dark. My whole house went off somewhere basically as soon as I got back so I just studied and watched shows then made a little dinner for myself, buccatini con crema e pollo, buona! Today had a super hard workout up at my field and found a ball to play with so that was good. Had lunch and chatted with my housemates then study then prac. We had a little fitness and played so it was a lot of fun. ALthough we got paid today, everybody except me. Was a real frustrating night of not being able to speak the language. BUt tomorrow we are going somewhere to get money (i hope) and do something else. Oh and hoping they give us our food money tomorrow cuz we got nothing. Was saying i feel i am noticing my lack of vitamin and minerals because I cramped up twice at dinner with is weird. but who knows.
off to bed night all

permalink written by  katieandboo on December 13, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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Agnano, Italy

So Thursday was two teammates bdays so we all went out after prac to celebrate. Sadly I couldn't practice thur and got told to sit till Monday. Having some calf issues. Anyway so we went out to dinner in Pozzuoli and our coach had a set menu. Started with some champagne then bruschetta Normal and with Salmon, some fried mashed potato thing sardines eggplant tuna soup bread and a mini fish dish. All very good!! Then for dinner we had a linguini with clams and oysters in a butter parsley sauce bomb! Also a four cheese linguini very very good! Had white wine a sparkling red and more champagne very very good meal!!!
After dinner prof(our fitness coach) took my Housemates and I to downtown Napoli where we saw the kings of Napoli and a galleria all was beautiful and a lot of fun. We finally got home around 2:30. Friday was low key just watched shows went to prac and did upper body workout. Sat went for a walk to Bangalore to buy lil Xmas presents for my Housemates. At night we all went out to a disco which was a lot of fun one room played typical American jams the other played House music. After the club went and got a piece of pizza I had sausage with cheese prosciutto and a cream finally made it home around 5:30. Great night needless to say! Today just laying low do upper body workout then it's practice tomorrow :)

permalink written by  katieandboo on December 18, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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Agnano, Italy

Let's see, went to practice Monday only trained for a little and they made me stop. Same for Tuesday only ran 20 mins! Monday also did a workout in the morning then hung around the House. Tuesday had a lot of fun went with 3 teammates to morning therapy then to montesanto walked around looking at shops and wandered to downtown Napoli! Saw a castle and vesuvius and had a nice lunch finally made it back to the House around 5:30 got ready for prac and left. Winter has finally arrived here was 38 at practice but thankfully no rain. Had a few teammates stay the night cuz we had a game Wednesday.
The police were supposed to check my place of residence Wednesday morning so I went to italos at 8(where I'm supposed to live) but they never came so I was stuck there till 5:30 when I got picked up.
Since today we started our vacation the team had a party at a hotel restaurant. So much food, antipasti, chopped up squid Salmon lentils and zucchini bruschetta some thing served on a big clam shell. Then we had a pasta with a broccoli pesto and tomato and risotto with shrimp very good!! Then there was lots of chanting and singing before dessert was served. Of course there was wine prosecco and water also at dessert we had fragilino oh sooo good recommend trying it sometime!! Lasted about 3 hours got home round 12! Went to sleep since this morning I had to wake up at 5! I caught a flight to Verona and am spending the next 5 days with my manager and her family. I will wish you all a happy and safe holiday now as I prob won't write till after the holidays in all honesty I'm acting as tho Xmas doesn't exist since I'm so sad. I know seems silly considering where I am but if you had a family as awesome as mine you'd understand! Peace and love all

permalink written by  katieandboo on December 22, 2011 from Agnano, Italy
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