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Am nächsten Morgen trampte ich direkt aus Portici. An der Mautstelle wartend bekam ich irgendwann Besuch von der Polizei, die mich zuerst ausfragten und dann zu einer anderen Stelle schickten. Zum Glück verboten sie es mir nicht. Ich hatte schon Sorge, ich würde nicht mehr nach Hause...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on September 1, 2013 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Europa: Deutschöstungita per Anhalter

Napoli bei Nacht

Da wir nicht mehr so viel Zeit hatten, besuchten wir Napoli direkt nach Capri, sind also mit der Fähre direkt dort ausgestiegen und nicht nach Sorrento zurück. Wir entschieden uns für einen Weg, der an einigen Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbeiführte und schlossen diesen mit einer Pizza in der...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on August 30, 2013 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Europa: Deutschöstungita per Anhalter

dead leg syndrome

Since last we had a game in Bari and won 2-0, we played crappy first half 0-0 then second picked it up after coach yelled at em. Think everyone was tired from travel and the hour time change, prob didn't go to sleep earlier. Monday I took the train out to Aversa where chad, the dad, picked me...

permalink written by  katieandboo on April 1, 2012 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure

slow slow

Ok so I realize I am getting worse and worse at keeping this thing updated ha my bad. Since the last update lots has happened had two big games both of which we were down first 1-0 and came back to win 3-1. We went to Sicily, to Palermo, was really pretty and a tough game we kinda played like...

permalink written by  katieandboo on March 14, 2012 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure


Ok so lets see sunday we went to Sicily for a game and it was brutal, the travel not the game! Woke up at 5 got to the airport to find our flight had been cancelled, then took a 2.5hr bus ride up to Roma where we caught our other flight to sicily then a hour bus ride up to the field near the...

permalink written by  katieandboo on February 16, 2012 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Italian adventure



permalink written by  ketc on October 2, 2009 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Europe

In the Golfo di Napoli

The first indication that we had arrived at the hostel was an Italian man calling my name and gesticulating wildly (as is the stereotype) from a third storey window in a back-alley in the old part of town. We followed his instructions and were welcomed into the hostel: his home and the...

permalink written by  BenWH on May 15, 2009 from Napoli, Italy
from the travel blog: Gap Year Odyssey

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