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Vietnam + Cambodia March 2009

a travel blog by Janicka

4 week trip around Vietnam and Cambodia
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How it all came about

Vienna, Austria

There we were, coming back home from a weekend trip to Vienna with my colleagues, thinking which European city would be next to visit. Amsterdam, Rome...And then we suddenly knew - it was going to be Vietnam. I know, sounds random...so let me make it clear. One of our group is a Vietnamese...None of us had ever been to Asia, we had heared very interesting stories so the choice was obvious, really.
To be honest, at the beginning I didn't actually believe it was going to happen. I mean, everybody was excited by the idea. But I knew most people would drop out. And they did. So in the end, the Vietnamese friend isn't going and out of six people, we are only three left. But another person joined so there are four of us.
We have our flight tickets, visas and vaccination and so we are almost ready to get going :)

permalink written by  Janicka on July 5, 2008 from Vienna, Austria
from the travel blog: Vietnam + Cambodia March 2009
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This where we start...

Prague, Czech Republic

So, here we go. We are leaving our home town ...well, not home town for all of us, for some it is just the city where they currently live :) ...anway, we are heading for Munich to catch our firs plane on this trip. All of us in one small car...let's hope we get there ok.

permalink written by  Janicka on March 24, 2009 from Prague, Czech Republic
from the travel blog: Vietnam + Cambodia March 2009
tagged Vacation and Asia

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Take off from Europe

Munich, Germany

We got safely to Munich, left the car in a long term parking and headed for the airport. Unfortunatelly, we wre really early despite the fact that we left Prague almost an hour later than plnned (for the first time in my entire life I was stuck in the metro ! that's why I came late)
By the way Munich airport is a completely non-smoking area with very few shops that close around nine and therefore very boring.
By ten we were up in the air. The flight took about 6 hrs and wasn't too bad. I couldn't fall asleep however although I managed to drink a couple of glasses of wine so I watched some films and bothered people around me :) Then we sort of forgot to return the blankets (we don't have sleeping bags with up, that's why) and got off in Dubai.

permalink written by  Janicka on March 24, 2009 from Munich, Germany
from the travel blog: Vietnam + Cambodia March 2009
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Bangkok, Thailand

permalink written by  Janicka on March 25, 2009 from Bangkok, Thailand
from the travel blog: Vietnam + Cambodia March 2009
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Hanoi - city of mad trafic and too much noice

Hanoi, Vietnam

We arrived to Hanoi this morning. Luckily, we (Michal of course) had arranged the transport from the airport in advance because everybody in this city seems to be trying to rip us off :)
I thought one day in Bangkok will prepare us for Vietnam. Mistake. Thailand is much more civilized and more like Europe. The Hanoi airport is like poor shabby little place in comparison to Bangkok airport.
I must admit on the way from the airport I just stared with my mouth open. I have never seen so many motorbikes (with so many people on them for that matter - a family of five or about 500 chicken???!!!) or heared so much noice. The traffic here is unbelievable, wait for the pictures. Don t know why they bother installing the traffic lights! We thought we would get killed while crossing the streets but we are used to it now. It seems safe enough.
So far we have seen the Hoam Kiem Lake with the pagoda and the watter puppet theater.

permalink written by  Janicka on March 26, 2009 from Hanoi, Vietnam
from the travel blog: Vietnam + Cambodia March 2009
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