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China Tour Spring 2005

a travel blog by Benjamin Satterfield

Come with us on an herb tour of China--southwestern China, to be exact, to learn more about the plants and dried herbs used in Chinese medicine. We will see live herb plants in cultivation in herb gardens and farms, and we'll view them in the wild in the mountains and even on roadsides.

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Shanghai in 30 minutes

Shanghai, China

We got here Shanghai Pudong airport. But can we make the connecting flight to Beijing?

We have a long day of instant sight-seeing ahead of us.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 17, 2005 from Shanghai, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged PVG and ShanghaiPudongAirport

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Beijing Fling

Beijing, China

Forbidden City, Tian An Men Square and Summer Palace; or go to Great Wall in our first jet-lagged day! We cut out the forbidden city, it was just too much. Hop on the flight for Chengdu.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 18, 2005 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged ForbiddenCity, SummerPalace, TianAnMenSquare and GreatWall

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Chengdu Immersion

Chengdu, China

AM Herb Market.
PM Tong Ren Tang pharmacy Herb dinner in Qin Shan Fang Restaurant.
We're gonna stay at the 3 star Nine Dragon hotel for 4 nites.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 20, 2005 from Chengdu, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged Food, Herbs, Medicine, TCM, TongRenTangPharmacy and QinShanFangRestaurant

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Medical Day

Chengdu, China

Full day at Chengdu's Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) college and hospital. In the evening we had the hot pot dinner.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 21, 2005 from Chengdu, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged Food, Herbs, Medicine, Hospital, TCM, Pharmacy and HotPot

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Natural Chengdu

Chengdu, China

AM: Herb Museum, DuFu poetry garden.
PM: Xin Hua book store.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 22, 2005 from Chengdu, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged Herbs, Books, BookStore, Museum, Dufu, Poetry and XinHua

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Panda Reserve

Chengdu, China

AM: Visit Panda Breeding Center, way cooler than any zoo. If you love cute fury critters, don't miss the panda reserve, especially the baby nursing area. Go rain or shine, it's not to be missed! Also check out the red Pandas (the lesser panda), they are sometimes overlooked, but you can pay to hold and pet them!

PM: Drive to Emei Shan (Emei Mountain) area and see local Herb Farms. 3 star Emei Shan hotel. Also, take a dip in the lovely and huge hot springs around the corner! They even had herbal baths to take a dip in. You can even buy a pair of retro swimming trunks for a few bucks, sweet.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 23, 2005 from Chengdu, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged Herbs, HotSpring, EmeiMountain, Emei, EmeiShan, Mountian, Pandas and Hotel

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Emei Shan (Emei Mountain)

Emeishan, China

Hiking day on a holy bddhist mountain. didn't see any famous monkeys though. Full day Emei Shan, return to Chengdu. Last chance to visit the hot springs for the group. leave 3 star Nine Dragon hotel. nice place!

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 24, 2005 from Emeishan, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged Buddhism, Mountain, HotSpring, EmeiMountain, Emei, EmeiShan, Monkey, Hotel, Hike and Hiking

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Travel Day to Lijiang

Lijiang, China

AM: fly Chengdu/Kunming (stop over)
PM: fly Kunming (stop over) to Lijiang, rest of time free 3 star Cai Xin hotel for 3 nites. it's darn cold and the hotel's heating system went out on the first night! Luckily they brought each of our rooms space heaters.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 25, 2005 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged Hotel, Flight and Plane

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Lijiang's Ancient Culture

Lijiang, China

Full day Black Dragon Pool park and Dongba Institute; Museum of Naxi Culture. Nice day outdoors in the high altitude sun. You can see Jade Dragon Snow Mountain all day with it's snowy peaks.

permalink written by  Benjamin Satterfield on March 26, 2005 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: China Tour Spring 2005
tagged Park, Mountain, Museum, Hiking, Naxi, Dongba, BlackDragonPool and JadeDragonSnowMountain

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Benjamin Satterfield Benjamin Satterfield
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