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Jumping Around

a travel blog by Sly

Because i believe i can fly (should that be on pictures only)
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Jumping in Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk, Russia

A little lesson of Cyrillic.
- H = N
- B = V
- C = S
- И = I
- б = B
- P = R
So... HOBOCИбИCK = Novosibirsk !

Novosibirsk, largest city of Siberia (and third largest of Russia), is actually very new as it was created only because of the construction of the TransSiberian railway in the late 19th century. It is now one of the most important industrial centers of Russia.

permalink written by  Sly on September 15, 2010 from Novosibirsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged TransSiberian, Train and Jumping

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Jumping in Ilanskiy

Ilanskiy, Russia

Ever heard of Ilanskiy ? Me neither before stopping there. It is a small town completely lost in Siberia. But there you'll find an old and gorgeous locomotive from the early days of steam-powered TransSiberian railways.

permalink written by  Sly on September 16, 2010 from Ilanskiy, Russia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged TransSiberian, Train and Jumping

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Jumping around lake Baïkal

Popova, Russia

Arrived at 6am in Irkutsk, we start the day by a good ol' breakfast with coffee sausages, schnitzel and mashed potatoes. We then head to the Hostel, with just enough time to take a shower before going on the Baïkal trek. The shower was cold, but after 4 days of train (hence without showering), this sounded like paradisiac !

At 9, we meet Jack "Yevegeny" the owner of the hostel and also our guide around the Baïkal for the next 3 days. This is also where we met what will become our travel buddies for the rest of the trip, and also some great friends: the kiwis Hannah and Troy from great New Zealand ! Atfer 3 hours driving we arrived in Saint Christovky Bay, a place lost on Baïkal shore. There, you'll find a farm and guest House where you'll eat the best home made food ever !! It was sooo delicious!

Lake Baïkal is gorgeous: huge (600km long), deep blue water, deep (1600+ km at the deepest)... and so quiet ! That's a perfect occasion to concentrate for you jump.

Note that Yevgeny, in the middle, is a fellow jumper. His hostel is full of jumping travellers pictured on the wall. So cool ! If ever you go to Irkutsk, go book the Baïkaler hostel ! (www.baikaler.com).

The Baïkal shore is also very steep and it required quite some effort so up and down all the hills all day. The reward is indeed the wonderful views that you get once on top !

permalink written by  Sly on September 17, 2010 from Popova, Russia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Naushki, first TransMongolian jump

Naushki, Russia

Last moments in Russia ! After 10 days of intense train-ing in Russia, we are arriving at the end of this first journey and we're now fully ready for Mongolia desert country.

Oh ! And last bit of Cyrrilic lesson (i really love that alphabet):
- Y = oo (like in "food")
- Ш = sh
- И is still I

NAYШKИ = Naushki ("na-oosh-ky")

permalink written by  Sly on September 20, 2010 from Naushki, Russia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Train, Jumping and TransMongolian

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Jumping in Terelj National Park

Bayagiin Dugang, Mongolia

After a day in Ulaanbaaatar, relaxing, walking around the (tiny) capital and most, importantly, eating like crazy, we were ready to start a 4 days tour around Mongolia.

First stop is Terelj National Park, 2 hours from Ulaanbaaatar. It is a very quiet place with stunning landscapes.

We were staying in this Ger.

Gers are great as long as you take care of the fire. But after everybody goes to sleep, the fire just stops... and in 30 mins, it can be damn freezing cold in those things ! You better be prepared and have a goog sleeping bag.

Ok no comment on this one :-)

We spent the day eating, drinking tea and walking around. At sunset we went on a hose ride. It was absolutely great being the only ones (or almost) in this remote area.

permalink written by  Sly on September 22, 2010 from Bayagiin Dugang, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping around Karakorum

Karakorum, Mongolia

Karakorum was the former capital of Mongolia back in the 13th century. The Mongols being nomadic people, there is nothing really left from this capital now. The karakorum Buddhist temple used to be 600 buidings. Now only a few are left.

Around the capital is a desert area, perfect for hose riding, camel riding and dune jumping !

On the second night, in mini Gobi desert (1 hour from Karakorum), we experienced a sand storm that became a rain storm, then a storm and then a snow storm... and still we were sleeping in Gers... it was a cold night !

The following day the sky was crystal clear... but 10°C less than the previous day ! All of that to try and explain the picture below :o)

permalink written by  Sly on September 24, 2010 from Karakorum, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Sain-shanda

Alagiin Sume, Mongolia

And back in the TransMonglian, this time, direction China !

The picture below was taken at one of the few Mongolian stops, in Sain-Shanda (aka Sainshand sometimes). Thing is that BlogABond doesn't seem to know that city, so I picked the closest I found, Alagiin Sume.

Anyway, in Sain-shanda, we stopped enough time to buy some water, as well as some lyophilized Korean spicy noodles (just add some boiling water, and that's ready). Quite good... when you're hungry !

Korea and Mongolia seem to get along quite well. We saw an impressive amount Korean shops in Ulaan Bator. Maybe it is because both countries are surrounded by huge and powerful countries that they feel it is easier to deal with countries of their size ? Just a thought though, i'm not an expert in koreo-mongol politics.

permalink written by  Sly on September 26, 2010 from Alagiin Sume, Mongolia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Train, Jumping and TransMongolian

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Jumping in Datong

Datong, China

Finally ! After 5 hours at the Chinese border to change again the carriage boggies as we did back in Belarus (which seemed ages before !) and after a last night in the train, finally we arrive in China for a first trop in Datong.

There, they changed the chinese orange coal locomotive we had had at the border for a blue electricity powered one. At least we feel we save some more trees running on electricity rather than coal.

Oh wait... where does the electricity come from in China ? Damn it.

permalink written by  Sly on September 27, 2010 from Datong, China
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Train, Jumping and TransMongolian

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Jumping in front of Mao

Beijing, China

At the heart of Beijing, on the south wall of the Forbidden City stands the famous Mao portrait. Mao oversees the huge Tian'anmen Place. All the area is filled at any time with thousands of tourists (and maybe as nearly as soldiers!).

permalink written by  Sly on September 28, 2010 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping on the Great Wall

Guaizigou, China

The Great Wall is really stunning, and is definitely a must-see in China. It's construction started as early as the 5th century BC and spanned until the 16th century AD. The wall as we can see it today is mostly from the latest Ming dynasty. It is the biggest architectural structure ever built, both in terms of length, surface and weight.

We went on a tour with our fellow friends from Beijing Backpacker hostel (hostel that I definitely recommend!) and spent 3 hours walking up, and down, and up, and down, and... the wall.

permalink written by  Sly on September 29, 2010 from Guaizigou, China
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Will not leave this planet before having jumped everywhere on it !

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