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Baikal-järven lumoa

Tänään saavuttiin aamuyöstä tänne Irkutskiin 53 tunnin junamatkan päätteeksi. Olo oli ainakin levännyt jos ei muuta, sillä nukkumisen, syömisen ja kortin pelaamisen lisäksi junassa on kovin vähän viihdykkeitä. Otettiin taksi sitten Irkutskin juna-asemalta hostin luo ja painuttiin nukkumaan...

permalink written by  rosabella on January 18, 2012 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Asia, sideways and inwards

Hello everyone, hope you're all doing well Since we last messaged you, we've spent 56 hours on trains (over 3 journeys), and also 14 hours on buses, and loads extra on lovely regional transport. But, we now find ourselves here, in Irkutsk, besides the worlds largest freshwater lake, at a...

permalink written by  harripix on November 17, 2010 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: harripix's Travel Blog

Days 11-15: Trans-Mongolian Train

PRIMERA SECCION: De Moscú a Irkutsk – 76.42 horas – 4 noches Ir de Moscú a Irkutsk en el tren Trans-mongol fue muy relajado. Tuvimos la cabina solo para nosotros dos y los baños compartidos estaban relativamente limpios. Sin embargo, hay que pagar si se quiere tomar una ducha y hay reservar...

permalink written by  patryandjose on August 13, 2009 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Resumen de dónde estamos y para dónde vamos? - Summary of where we are and where are we going to?

The Primark Train

After a long day of sightseeing in Moscow it was time for me to continue my journey to China. The company who I booked the journey through had arranged for a taxi to pick me up and asked the drivers to ensure that I got on to the train safely. I assumed this was just because they knew that I...

permalink written by  redherobluevillain7 on August 7, 2009 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Stories from the middle of the middle kingdom.

Hyello Russia!

After a slow train North, mainly because of the incredibly long winded border crossing/shunting operation that took approximately 8 hours, I have arrived in Russia. Another comfortable train and fairly uneventful trip all the best sights where sadly missed as we passed lake Baikal in the night....

permalink written by  Dan on November 3, 2008 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Been there, Dan that!

The Trans-Siberian

Here we go...the time has come for the journey this whole trip is based around. a massive 77 hour marathon on the same train. 3 nights on a train in the same cabin. I didn't really know how this was going to be. would it be boring as hell, or fun and games. I reality it was neither. it was very...

permalink written by  adamski752 on September 1, 2008 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Adam's Leisurely Return Home

The Soviet Union

Finally, i have arrived in russia. the point of the whole trip was to travel on a train through russia. And Irkutsk is my first port of call. I was not impressed when i got off the train. a bland station with pissy corridors and scowling locals. At least mongolians smiled when they weren't being...

permalink written by  adamski752 on August 30, 2008 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Adam's Leisurely Return Home

The Trans-Mongolian erm...smugglers

With a happy heart and a Spring in my step i got onto the first of the big famous trains that was gonna get me to moscow. I was still shellshocked from the Ulan Batar situation so i was a bit skeptical about this train ride. I would love, at this point, to say that from here on, it got smoother...

permalink written by  adamski752 on August 30, 2008 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Adam's Leisurely Return Home

The Train Ride Ulaan Bataar to Irkutsk

Thanks for your comments guys, I am glad that someone is reading this, and Stephen, the water was clean, but I did dry it a couple of times. We went to the worlds worst supermarket to get supplies for the train ride. Luckily we did because there were to be no meals for 25 hours. They didn't...

permalink written by  Big_T on August 29, 2008 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: Big_T's Travel Blog

Trans-Mongolian Day 4

Got 2 new room-mates. An Italian couple. Neither say too much. She just takes a shit load of photos of everything. Including, at one point, 2 coffee mugs on the table. I was slightly insulted that she moved my pot noodle out of the background for the shot. Russian customs in the evening,...

permalink written by  olliejohnson on August 12, 2006 from Irkutsk, Russia
from the travel blog: A man from Cockshutt.

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