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Dann ging's ab mit Zug nach Plymouth. Hier Waren wir heute, am Freitag, den 30. und man könnte sagen dass es einen schönen Hafen hat und tolle Küstenaussicht. Leider haben wir 3 Stunden vergeblich nach einer Unterkunft gesucht, sodass wir einfach spontan wieder in den Zug gestiegen sind und nach...

permalink written by  finnsimon on August 30, 2013 from Plymouth, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: The Islands

Homeward Bound

I have heard that if you have nothing nice to say about someone, you shouldn't say anything at all. If I am to follow this, mention of my fellow passengers on the Santander-Plymouth ferry would be conspicuous only by its absence. However, I also know that what people don't hear can't hurt...

permalink written by  BenWH on May 28, 2009 from Plymouth, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Gap Year Odyssey

Hoe Hoe Hoe

Lived with my lovely wife in our first apartment on the lovely, lovely Plymouth Hoe. Lived above Mr Daniels for a while in the ancient Barbican. Plus a few cupboards.

permalink written by  kevlaw on June 1, 1993 from Plymouth, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Where we used to live

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