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Christmas 2012

Ok...so what happened to us? Well we just aren't that happy adoptive family that everybody else blogs about. And I hate pity parties so I gave up blogging. We are living on Lummi Island. The Deaf School lasted 2 years, but now he goes to a school in Anacortes with a great program. Deaf...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on December 26, 2012 from Lummi Island, United States
from the travel blog: Reverse culture shock

Airlift for the non-English Speaker

Reverse culture shock bites. The entire time you were away you imagined your native country as being the perfect place to be when any problems arose. "Oh, if I was in America this would be handled like this.." or "I never have this problem in America" So you move back and you have the ugly...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on April 10, 2010 from Lummi Island, United States
from the travel blog: Reverse culture shock

Reverse culture shock

So...New Years Eve we flew back to America. We like to do everything the most stressful way possible, so we met the social worker in Beijing to do our 6 month post placement thing. Lets see, the thought of social workers probably makes most folks cringe just sitting in their nice comfy homes....

permalink written by  carseat tourist on February 6, 2010 from Lummi Island, United States
from the travel blog: Reverse culture shock

Trouble at the ranch

Back at the ranch....in 2003-2005 we undertook the massive job our building our own cabin. We watched too many episodes of PBS's frontier house and decided if those guys could build a cabin, so could we. We left the suburbs of Marietta, Georgia with a U-hual of junk and a dream and ended up on...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 13, 2009 from Lummi Island, United States
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

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