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yap this is where it started

permalink written by  darena on October 6, 2011 from Santa Barbara, United States
from the travel blog: SB

Santa Barbara Beach

Chriffie, Brooke, Kris and I packed up picnic lunches and headed up to Santa Barbara beach, complete with 2 bathroom breaks, a coffee break and gas break...all for an hour and a half trek. Good thing we weren't going any further. We couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous day. Aside from the...

permalink written by  blondie on July 2, 2010 from Santa Barbara, United States
from the travel blog: 4th of July B-day Extravaganza

Santa Barbara

Nices Staedtchen mit endlosem Strand und schlechten Studenten Bars. Haben ordentlich geshoppt. Ausserdem n paar Duesseldorfer getroffen.

permalink written by  Fluu on September 10, 2009 from Santa Barbara, United States
from the travel blog: California

Camino de San Diego III

Venia con la idea de ir parando por la Costa en diferentes pueblitos pero estaba un poco equivocado en el concepto. Aqui la densidad de poblacion se limita a las grandes ciudades y a pueblos mas bien nuevos y bastante residenciales para la gente de Los Angeles y alrededores. Eso si, las Playas...

permalink written by  Eka on June 25, 2009 from Santa Barbara, United States
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

Breakfast @ the Coffee Cat

Another one one of Xan's favourite haunts.

permalink written by  walbs on April 10, 2008 from Santa Barbara, United States
from the travel blog: Chrome Wheeled, Fuel-Injected and Steppin' Out Over the Line


Beautiful blue skies and wide beaches are the reason Oprah lives in SB.

permalink written by  walbs on April 8, 2008 from Santa Barbara, United States
from the travel blog: Chrome Wheeled, Fuel-Injected and Steppin' Out Over the Line

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