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So I made the decision to go to Granada, Spain. I feel even less prepared for this trip than I did for going to Argentina. I leave tonight to go to Chicago (for the second time since I found out I was not going to Argentina) to pick up my passport and visa. I come back tomorrow night and have...

permalink written by  Taryn Hawkins on August 24, 2009 from Woodbury, United States
from the travel blog: Granada

I guess I need to change the name of my trip...

They canceled our semester. They offered us to go to Granada, Spain, or Salamanca, Spain instead. They leave August 28th and come back in the middle of December. I am seriously considering going to Granada, it all sounds amazing except for the class choices :\ . It is all extremely...

permalink written by  Taryn Hawkins on July 8, 2009 from Woodbury, United States
from the travel blog: Granada


So I am supposed to be on the plane to Buenos Aires right now...obviously I'm not. We got an email around 3pm yesterday saying that the University we are supposed to go to is shutting down until August due to the Swine flu. We got a call around 7 saying they canceled our flights and won't know...

permalink written by  Taryn Hawkins on July 3, 2009 from Woodbury, United States
from the travel blog: Granada

panic mode!

I leave in just over two weeks and I am FREAKING OUT! I have not done a thing to pack! I am trying to make a list of things to do and places to visit before I have to leave Argentina so if anyone has suggestions, feel free to send them my way! I did receive my home stay information and Liz...

permalink written by  Taryn Hawkins on June 17, 2009 from Woodbury, United States
from the travel blog: Granada

5 weeks...

I just got the Yellow Fever vaccine today, the last of the shots I need for my trip! That's pretty much all I have done to get ready so far...I don't know where/how/when to start packing!! Right now I am more SCARED than anything! I am looking forward to experiencing a new culture, but I have...

permalink written by  Taryn Hawkins on May 29, 2009 from Woodbury, United States
from the travel blog: Granada

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