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permalink written by  loloandbebey on August 26, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: loloandbebey's Travel Blog

In Paris - City of love

Paris is terriffic and I'm here with my wife! How good is that?!

permalink written by  TGTravels on August 22, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe with the Jonses, Perrys and Mahneys


njhgkgkghjh jkhkhjhhjkhkjhjhkh jklhkhjhjhjkhkhkh jhkhkhjkhjkhjhjkh kjhikhjkhkjhkjhjkhjkhjkh jkhkjhjkhjkhjk

permalink written by  amber21 on August 19, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: amber21's Travel Blog


arrivé a Paris

permalink written by  ketc on August 18, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe

Arrivé en Europe . PARIS

c'est alors que nous arrivions en europe tres beau voyage en avion patati et patata

permalink written by  fmedeiros on August 16, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: fmedeiros's Travel Blog

Chris sees' dead people and then we see the Eiffel Tower, by night (oh la la!)

Thankfully today wasn’t such a bright and early start (compared to the past few days anyhow!) so we had a wee sleep in before heading to the Catacombs which was a 20 walk from our hostel. I spent that 20 minutes umming and ahhing about weather I wanted to go down beneath a city, into a small...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on July 31, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Oh la la, the Louvre!

Ohhh, another early rise… We can’t wait for a “lazy day” consisting of a much needed (and wanted) sleep in, followed by… nothing. We’d heard that the best time to see the Louvre was early in the morning as the queues are far smaller and there are less people crowding around the big pieces such...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on July 30, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Ahhhh, gay Pari, how we've missed you!

Oh my goodness, today’s train ride from hell just never seemed to end! Despite sleeping like logs, dead to the world, we still awoke feeling blurry eyed and also, snuffly. By the time we swung our legs over the side of the bed everyone else in our carriage was up and ready for the day, this...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on July 29, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

And back...

4 heures de bateau jusqu'à Palerme (où on a été malade comme des chiens !), 1 heure et demi d'avion jusqu'à Rome, deux de plus jusqu'à Roissy, une demi-heure de taxi et nous voilà de retour chez nous. Il faut croire que je suis maudit avec internet. SFR a suspendu notre connexion... pour défaut...

permalink written by  Anne & Sam on July 26, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Sicilia, tre colore a la bocca

Voyage autour du monde

Réalisation tour du monde par Lolo et Ari

permalink written by  lostaelens on July 21, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Tour du monde

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