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Departure / Depart

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good. Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World

Departure / Depart

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good. Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World

Departure / Depart

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good. I am leaving tomorrow on an adventure and am very excited about visiting lots of new places and meeting interesting and weird people. Je me prepare pour le depart, la...

permalink written by  SebJ on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World


We arrive in Paris Tuesday morning...just in time for an espresso and croissant!

permalink written by  marta76 on September 2, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: marta76's Travel Blog

It's a big one

Damn the weather. So to be honest, I haven’t really started backpacking yet. Which makes me feel bad because 1) backpacking is cool and 2) blogabond is for backpackers. Well the site also says for independent travelers, which is what I am. Woke up late this morning, 10:30-ish, but my...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on August 7, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Mini Eurotrip

Paris, How do I love thee

And I’m sitting here in a full food coma, about to pass out. It’s almost 10 and my people left… I need to let them know that I’m leaving tomorrow, that I need to pay now, and that the internet is still not working! I dunno, I might be getting used to this whole not having internet thing… maybe...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on August 7, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Mini Eurotrip

Day 1...

What a day! Leaving the square, the man sitting by me decided to talk to me. He was very happy that I responded to him, because whenever he tries to talk to Chinese people, they tell him “je ne comprends pas”. This led to a discussion/debate on les asiatiques and why some are open to speaking...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on August 6, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Mini Eurotrip

Dream? or nightmare?

I am currently in the le 6ieme arrondissement a Paris, au Square felix Desruelles, sitting on a bench by myself, with the bench left of me occupied by two red-headed...Norweigens? (maybe?) discussing who-knows-what and to the right a woman on a laptop. All this encompassed by pidgeons...

permalink written by  waywardwahoo on August 6, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Mini Eurotrip

my host in Paris ...

... is almost a 'lao beng'!! he is 38 years old n only listens to electronic euro dance music (which in singapore is referred to as euro trash music)! he loves MTV (still) is very happy with anything MTV (i m really surprised by this to be honest)! all that is lacking is modifications in his car...

permalink written by  wangyng on June 17, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Hello Europe!!



permalink written by  saitarn on May 20, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe

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