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BMail and stuff for the People!

First off, I want to quickly thank all you lot for helping Blogabond take off so quickly. Our user base doubled over the holidays, and then Doubled AGAIN in February! Somebody must have been spreading the word. You guys rock! I've been quietly putting new features live for the last few...

permalink written by  Jason Kester on March 21, 2007 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Building Blogabond

Going to US? Read for your own convenience, you might not know...

Ok. Planes, however large they look when you're standing next to them are actually pretty small. So when there is a group of less than *how to phrase this without sounding offensive*... intelligent, loud mouthed over bearing individuals who insist on shouting at each other from 6 inches apart...

permalink written by  haveyouseenmypassport on March 10, 2007 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: To infinity!.. and... beyond... uh.....

Final Preparations

There's no getting out of this now. The plane tickets are purchased, I've bought a backpack, and I am officially unemployed for the next 2 months.

permalink written by  jsarabia on February 18, 2007 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Return to the Southern Hemisphere

why flights are long haul has nothing to do with the time...

Hi! So I'm safe and sound and in LA...after a TERRIBLE flight, but will write more about that later...this internet here is 1USD per ten minutes...so it's only a quick one. Got on the plane, and someone wanted to change seat so they could sit near their deaf mother...so I say yes...and get...

permalink written by  no_fosters_thanks on December 20, 2006 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: No Fosters Thanks

The Preparations Are Underway...

With the big journey on the verge of commencing, I spent my last weekend tying together some loose ends. I've had a long standing goal of finally compiling my entire music library on my Ipod, and with the anticipated down time impending upon planes, trains, boats and other forms of...

permalink written by  CaliJoe on February 20, 2006 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Time to Visit Some Kiwis in Their Natural Habitat

Getting There Part 1

I finally have some time to work on my blog! The trip to China was long. It took two hours to drive to LAX, two hours to fly to Vancouver, two hours to wait for my plane, and eleven and a half hours to fly from Vancouver to Beijing. Still, there was an awful lot of pretty scenery to look...

permalink written by  jstarrdewar on January 13, 2006 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: China 2006

Home again home again -- almost

After a few relaxing days with Shirley, we drove back down I-5 to McKittrick to spend a few more days with Mom's sisters and kids before we Split up and I flew back to Cincinnati, and Mom and Pat went back to Hawaii. I vaguely remember being there for an early birthday celebration for Sever at...

permalink written by  Amber on July 8, 1999 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Visiting the Family

Airport Delays

Got stuck in the airport midway between flights from Cincinnati to LAX. I can't even remember what airport it was, I just remember sitting at the bar killing time and making friends with the bartender. Several of us were just sitting around and then we started making up drinks and such. The...

permalink written by  Amber on June 1, 1999 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Visiting the Family

Almost done

We landed and then were going through customs at the same time that the Ohio State Final Four basketball game was finishing. I just remember Werner frantically asking anybody/everybody how they did, including our passport control agent. Too funny, and they lost. Stayed with friends of Werner's...

permalink written by  Amber on March 20, 1999 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: The Day My Toothbrush Turned Blue and Other Tales from the South Pacific

Day 14

OK, this wasn't really a vacation day, but the process of getting from Iquitos to Lima to home was pretty amazing as it involved a missed flight from Iquitos, a mad dash across the tarmac in Lima, and an angry mob pissed that their plane back to the states was delayed by some Young backpacker...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on June 24, 1989 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Peru (1989)

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