My Stuff
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It's a 14 month trip around the world...for someone who gets lost on the way to the supermarket.
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5 months and 9 days
Wow. Leaving in 5 months and 9 days...seems so far away, except for the whopping plane ticket to pay for.
Just realised today that I'm going to have to organise most things this month, so I can spend more time before I leave focusing on finishing uni and working (to pay for aforementioned plane ticket).
At this stage the itinerary is
November 18th
. Kick around South America for a month, then fly to LA for Christmas. On the 28th, fly to
San Francisco
for New Years. Make my way up to
and play (work) in the snow, then down to New York in June. Onwards to London, and who knows where in the EU. Will fly back to
probably in January 2008. Scary, but very exciting.
Put my macpack on lay-by today. I swear it's bigger than I am, which is good, because I most likely will overpack. Will try not too, but 14 months is a very long time to plan for.
Anyways...Talk to you closer to the date.
written by
on June 9, 2006
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US Visa application
Ok. So I wasn't going to write another blog entry until I actually left the country. Being a travel blog and all. But this was just too silly to leave out.
My US visa application. Firstly, we don't all want to immigrate to your silly country and steal your jobs. I get that you are a nation with a president that tends to piss people off, and that more people may decide to randomly attack you, but it's just ridiculous.
Secondly, because I'm going to be in North America for longer than 90 days (Canada) does not mean I should have to pay $130 for a visa because I'm NEAR you for longer than 90 days.
Thirdly, why the interview in
..and the fingerprinting...and the warning at the bottom of the interview comfirmation form warning me not to bring into the consulate 'guns,
phones or other electronic devices'. Very strange.
I really could rant for ages about the questions, the documents you had to bring, the TWO metal detectors you had to pass through...but I've had enough of a rant and at the end of the day, they did grant me the visa. I think. They still have my passport.
(also I think they stole my dna while I was there. I have no evidence to support this deranged theory).
Talk to you soon, I leave in 4 weeks today.
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on October 20, 2006
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No sleep, planes and español
Ok, I just wrote a WHOLE blog and due to this strange spanish keyboard, ive managed to delete it all. and i have no idea how.
So, again.....i have arrived safe and sound, felt pretty sick after the flights, but had a snooze and felt well enough to explore a couple of blocks of
. Very cool city.
Discovered a number of things,
1. I can read spanish, but the moment someone speaks to me, its all over.
2. Beer here is usually served in longnecks. Admirable, kim, youd feel right at home.
3. Just because you can sleep through any uni lecture, does not mean you can sleep on a plane. At all.
4. People from Hawkes Bay (yes pub people, that hawkes bay in NZ) are very strange, have sheep and go on spiritual quests in brasil. And like to sit next to Sarah for 12 hour flights.
5. Im missing everyone already, cant crack out the photos as im far too mushy.
6. Tom, spray on shampoo was the best thing ive brought on this trip so far. love it.
Anyways, must go and get on my next plane, will be in argentina by lunchtime and catch up with john, which Im really really looking forward to.
Love you all! Sarah
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on November 19, 2006
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Best day yet
Buenos Aires
Yesterday I had my best day here yet, absolutely crashed out, slept for about 12 hours, then when I woke we were ready to explore.
John and I just wandered around
Buenos Aires
for awhile, found an english language bookshop, so I lost John there for a little while. Had to go and buy some stuff from a camping store...and throw out some stuff from my bag. I think as we go it´s going to get progressivly lighter as I can´t be bothered carrying stuff.
But anyway, we walked to the obellisk, which is in the centre of
Buenos Aires
, which was absolutely amazing. It stands in the middle of the (what I´m told is the largest avenue in the world) the Av 9 de julio, and it´s just amazing.
After that, we went to the teatro de colon, which is the home of the Bueanos aires ballet company and also the opera company. We did the english guided tour, and it was simply amazing. It was built in 1890, with european architects, and all imported materials, and it was fantastic. The theatre has 7 levels and it´s indesribable. The ceiling is a huge hand painted dome, (done by an argentinan artist) and around the chandelier is space between the dome and the chandelier, where musicians and choirs can stand, unseen and ridiculously high, and perform. The acoustics were fantastic, they never use microphones in performances. And this place sits 3500 people.
Teatro Colon
Teatro Colon
After that Joho and I came back to the hostel,
HostelClan view
had some quiet beers on the terrace. We were joined there by some cool people doing the tefl course, and then more people rocked up. So we all ended up catching taxis to this amazing Korean restaurant (I know, we were eating korean in argentina, a bit wrong) but it was stellar. This place had silver chopsticks, and the food, there was 7 of us, and we had two meat (cooked at the table) and it came with 12 condiments each. I thought the condiments would be sauces, but no, they were little plates of vegetables. Chilli cabbage, brilliant. Then we also had two vegetable plates. All up it was (including beers) about 25 pesos each, which I suppose was $10AUD.
Then to top it off, we have been invited to one of the girls, Dana, her apartments for drinks tomorrow. But even better, I managed to get a phone card and ring Tom, which was great, but 10 pesos wasn´t nearly enough time. Although, it was probably good I didn´t have time to get mushy, and I´m a big sooky mushbag.
Anyways, must run, will try and upload photos soon, going to le recoleta today, which is the arts district, so I´m sure I´ll have plenty of photos.
Hasta luego mis agimgos!
written by
on November 21, 2006
Buenos Aires
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Recoleta es mas bonita y Iguazu falls
Puerto Iguazu
Hi all!
Well, the trip to recoleta was great. We went on tuesday, and I went again alone on wednesday (dont worry nana, I was perfectly safe) and it was brilliant. We walked around Cementerio de la Recoleta where all the rich and famous argentinians are buried, and saw evita perons grave. Which, I must admit I was expecting something else. It was amazing to see the cemetary though, we walked around for ages.
Cementerio de la Recoleta
Evita Perons grave
Had lunch in the strangest irish theme pub, what they served i´m sure the irish don´t make. But anyways.
The next day went out on my own to see Naciones Unidas, which i found so beautiful..and shiny.
Naciones Unidas
Moving on, that night we caught an 18 hour bus to
Puerto Iguazu
, which has the most awesome waterfalls. John did try and kill me with exercise. I can´t even describe how amazing it was, so I´ll just put in the pictures. Soon we´re heading off on a 28 hour bus trip to
Iguazu falls, inferior trail
Iguazu falls, island view
John at Iguazu falls, superior trail
Iguazu falls
Time for a shower before the bus trip, so talk to you soon!
Love Sarah
written by
on November 24, 2006
Puerto Iguazu
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Iced coffee withdrawls
Are so far not being suffered. Which, is surprising, and brilliant.
We´re in
at the moment, which is up to top of Argentina. Its a great city. We´ve met up with some cool aussies (one from brunswick) and the four of us are travelling together at the moment which is great. Tonight we´re catching the overnight bus to
, then a train to
, where the salt plains are. I think we´re doing a four day tour or trek, either way it should be great.
I totally forgot about it until today, but when joho and I were in
Buenos Aires
, we were walking through a market, and saw this free museum, "museo de la ciudad", and we´re like hey, free museum of the city, awesome find. It was a museum full of doors. From random buildings around the city. A door museum. We cracked up, it was hillarious. Couldnt read the descriptions on the doors, but we were so pleased we didn´t pay for it!
Katie - Sometimes I think the world is a little too small though, went to a bar last night with everyone, and you know what they cracked out, Bon jovi. Which, i found very amusing.
Anyway, all i´ve really managed to do in
is kick around, go in a cable car to the top of a hill, and had a few beers and a lot of steaks. I can eat steak at any meal. Today, it was brunch.
View over Salta
Church at Salta
Will talk to you again soon,
(btw how cool is the little map thing? it´s pretty up to date with where i am most of the time! See dad, you can´t lose me!)
written by
on November 27, 2006
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Bolivia, where reality and planning don't meet. Ever. At all
Ok, John and I are alive. But smelly.
We're in
, and just did a 4 day tour, and haven't showered in so long! We are travelling with 4 other aussies, which is great, and we're having a great time. Trying to catch a train to Oruru tonight and a bus to
La Paz
in the morning, but it's hard to understand if this mythical train will run let alone let us on. It's crazy, you try and plan your travel so you hit the paved roads. Of which there are bugger all.
Anyway, must run, trains to chase.
Will update more soon, heaps of awesome photos.#
written by
on December 2, 2006
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The ´paz rocks out
So we did the salt flat tours which were amazing. Lots of waiting at bus stations, and train stations.
6 aussies at a bus stop (someone had to take the photo!)
We stayed in the most basic accomodation, but it was fine, and a lot better than most bolivians live, so we really can´t complain. PLayed soccer against some local kids, who in the altitude whopped us something chronic. The kids here are gorgeous, but everyone is so geared to make money off the gringos, that they charge you money to take photos of them.
Local bolivian children
The salt flats were amazing to see, heaps of fun also. Travelling in such a big group is awesome. John and Chris are off today doing the death road on mountain bike. Google the pictures, they are insane. It´s a road that is about 3m wide, and has 500m drops on the side. Something like 4 people a week on average die on this road. But the tour company they have gone with haven´t lost anyone yet. Which is a good sign. Some of the companies are pretty bad, we met an irish girl who did it, and her bike fell apart under her, and she lost some teeth and scarred her face. Hopefully john will get back in one piece. I told him that if I have to rung mum and dad saying he´s fallen off another cliff, if he isn´t dead then, he will be.
We´re staying at a pretty cool hostel in
La Paz
View from the hostel in la paz
this is the view from our balcony. Girls room, we put the smelly boys in a room without a balcony.
La Paz
is amazing, and the markets are brilliant. It´s hard to remember how cheap everything is, I bought a sweet tshirt for $5, and they were the most expensive ones on the street. the only problem is what I buy, I carry. Sucks a bit.
Night time markets at La Paz
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on December 5, 2006
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Hot showers and Michael Bolton
So we are still in
La Paz
. I know it says
, but the silly thing won´t deal with putting in
La Paz
at the moment. and it´s where we are heading next. It´s been four nights, and we are well ready to move on. We were going to head on this morning to
, but the tourist bus only leaves at 8am...as we found out at 9am. Oh well. So we have spent some extra time here, but it´s not much of a concern, as accommodation is about aud$5 a night in the city. Not the worst scenario.
Yesterday joho and I kicked it on to some museums which was awesome, the art museum was great...for it´s architecture. I was wrapped. Although I confused some people in the gift shop when I tried to ask for a book of the building itself. I think they thought I missed the point somewhat. But they ended up giving me some postcards...probably to make me just go away. We also went to the coca leaf museum...which was kind of crap. I expected more, heaps of people said it was well worth visiting, and I wholeheartedly disagree. The art museum was waaay better. Went to the english pub later to watch the soccer...which was a good way to spend an evening. Although someone let one of our group out shopping solo...and the worst happened...chris came back with hippy pants. Brightly coloured striped abominations. Very scared. This city does weird stuff to people...
The main road in La Paz
Finally took some photos of
La Paz
, it´s not somewhere that you want to be flashing your camera around too much. These are the fruit stalls that we get our smoothies from. They are soooo fresh, and a vitamin one (the most expensive with EVERYthing in there) are 3
nos...which is 50 cents.
The fruit smoothie stalls in the markets
And they keep refilling them...so much so that you can´t eat anymore...
We walked past san pedro prison today, you used to be able to do tours guided by the inmates, but they stopped that practice a few years ago. Didn´t get a picture of the prison itself...but got one of joho being a lazy git in the park opposite.
Joho trying to be a hobo outside San Pedro Prison
Also..I managed to have my first hot shower in
! It was so amazing it just wasn´t funny. It´s strange how you just don´t appreciate things back home. Even being able to shower with bare feet. Can´t wait to do that again!
Also as a point of interest..I think Michael
has just hit
. The number of times I have heard the song -i said I loved you but i lied- and it has been stuck in my head for about a week now. deathly. But the other two musical options seem to be shakira and local music. Thank god for ipods.
Meet the craziest aussie in the pub...he has been in
La Paz
for about a month, as his passport got stolen. Oh no, how did your passport get stolen we asked. Turns out this crazy git had put it in his daypack, which he then put under the seat on a local chicken bus. While he slept. We weren´t so surprised after hearing the circumstances. I think I lot of this is just being aware, listening to advice and not doing dumb stuff. But I say that now...I´ll change my mind if anything gets nicked.
Does anyone actually read my natters? I know Tom and mum do....
Hey, phil.. heard you left the pub...enjoy your time off before you start work.
And kimba...are you still interested in coming to
? If not just let me know...it´ll be fine, will need a bit of notice though as if you don´t there may be some flight changing activity. It would be sweet if you do...but I understand if you can´t...it´s a ridiculous amount of money.
Missing everyone, but having an amazing time....take care and I´ll chat again soon! Maybe from
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on December 7, 2006
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mmm...kinda tired
Totally wrecked right now, been doing so much...so this is going to be a short one!
Went to
, which is on lake titicaca, which borders both
, although we were on the
n side. It was amazing, the fresh trout cooked by the beach...the sunsets..although it was a little like a
n version of lorne. A little strange.
Sunset at Copacabana, from our hostel balcony
We went out to
Isla del Sol
and trekked across it, which is over 8km and up and down hills. At altitude it hits you pretty hard (glad I did all that exercise before i left to prepare) but it was well worth it. The beaches were fantastic. I have more photos, but my camera is in my room locked up.
Isla Del Sol
We caught a bus yesterday (today?) from
to cusco, with a stop over in puno, which is inside the
vian border. It was strange, we have lunch in the bus station, and our waitress was about 8 years old. When she had her lunch she was sitting there playing with her doll.
But anyway...after a scary time on the bus (we had a blow-out and something wrong inthe wheel arch that we had to keep stopping for) we are finally in cusco. doing the inca trail in two days, which i´m well excited about.
But anyway, thats enough from me at this silly time of night.
written by
on December 10, 2006
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