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Summer in the city

Day 36 26th May 2009 We sat around in the airport after a few hassles with the luggage and getting it transferred from the Quantas flight to our brief hop on an American Airlines flight to San Francisco. The flight was absolutely full, so there'd been no chance of getting better seats, or...

permalink written by  Saros on May 27, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: The Hairy Animal 2009 World Road Trip

Finally Here

Hi Everyone, Finally here in San Francisco! It isn't warm at all but not raining which is good. The flight didn't seem as long as I had expected but none of us really slept at all. We flew over Greenland... it really is melting as much as everyone says! We also made friends with an air...

permalink written by  emma109 on May 6, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: America

Hello Bob

TEADJALSFKa d;kjas dlfjasdjfa sdjh alsjd fasd

permalink written by  chrishutchins on May 3, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: LaidOffCamp Around the World

Preparing for Depature

Gettin ready to take off on our trip!

permalink written by  alisonpyle on May 1, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: RTW Trip


it's a begin

permalink written by  ccdd14 on April 16, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: american

It Ain't Starbucks But It'll Do

Now that we're finally moved out of the chilling freezer we've been staying in for the past 5 nights, I can gripe all I want about our experience at Txxxxxlodge (note: 'T' is not for 'Turtle'.) Not that it was bad BAD and we know we didn't pay for a luxury spot. But when you arrive in the...

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 8, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: go.

Good Vibrations

Overheard while walking towards Market Street: Little Girl: "Mummy mummy! What song do you think this is?" (Proceeds to sing at the top of her lungs very loudly) "Row row row your UNDERWEARRRRRR, gently down the CAAAARRRR!!!!" We couldn't help but snigger and burst out laughing as we...

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 8, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: go.

Beach R' Us

We are beach people. So on our first day in SF (not counting the freezing cold night we arrived on), we head for the beach. The weather was perfect! It was warm (enough) and sunny with clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds. It being a Sunday, the beach was filled with local families and...

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 8, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: go.

I Left My Car In San Francisco

I have a love-hate relationship with walking in SF. It's awfully nice to walk in the crisp cool weather now. Even when it rains, a hoodie or just your own headful of hair will keep the light drizzle out of your face. But SF is hilly. I love the downhill bits. I love-hate the uphill bits. Hate...

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 8, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: go.

2 Of 15

We're on a Mission. A not-so-secret Mission. So far, we've completed 2 out of the 15 assignments that we've been tasked with. Assignment No.1 took a bit more time than we expected - 2 days. But we got right back on track with Assignment No.2 and polished it off in less than a day. For those...

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 7, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: go.

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