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Amsterdam, we made it!

Hallo! Quick email because we've only got a day in Amsterdam now. So we're started our crazy trip to the other side of the world and occasionally I actually remember this! We hitched from scunthorpe to Gent in about 13-14 hours crossing over the channel at dover to calais. We had lifts from...

permalink written by  harripix on September 19, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: harripix's Travel Blog

Amsterdam Day 5

That's right, I've been on my journey 5 days already and am only just writing my 1st blog entry. I just haven't had time yet! I've done so much already, highlights (and lowlights) including: -Missing the overnight ferry to Amsterdam cos all the trains from Cambridge Harwick were canceled. Had...

permalink written by  Maria89 on July 20, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: England to China overland

The best laid plans..

Continuing the story... Last I left off I was in Heidelberg sitting in the bar attached to my Heidelberg home away from home with my laptop trying to figure out where exactly it was going the next day. Just as the battery was at 0% and I was going to go back to my room (that's where the...

permalink written by  Sarah Andrea on May 20, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Europe 2010

testje 1


permalink written by  OmarRupp on March 8, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Overland Journey



permalink written by  OmarRupp on March 6, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: OmarRupp's Travel Blog


Hey, de nueva cuenta contando las aventuras. Ahora me encuentro en Holanda, específicamente en Amsterdam, es una ciudad muy pintoresca, asi que ya les iré contando que tal está. Un beso. Hey friends, again me, in this time, now i'm in Netherlands, well is a great city but is small, so, let me...

permalink written by  Tania Sossa on February 5, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Vagabundeando


Hola de nuevo!.. Ámsterdam es una bella ciudad, como dije antes, un poco pequeña pero es linda, es pintoresca y hasta agradable por el día. Pero durante la noche toma otro color, otro olor e incluso otro ambiente. Ámsterdam, conocido por su amplia libertad, como por ejemplo, fumar...

permalink written by  Tania Sossa on February 5, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Vagabundeando


I just got back from a fantastic trip to Amsterdam. Before I continue, what does no HTML means. Does that mean I can't post links like this one: http://www.acaiberryfrance.fr/ Why is that?

permalink written by  Around The World on January 30, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Around The World

Beer and red lights

After traveling a few hours and swapping trains a couple of times we were finally in Amsterdam, the city famous for it's coffee shops as well as it's red light district. We got into Amsterdam in the evening and by the time we got to the hotel there was not much to do except for a walk...

permalink written by  craigandcorrine on January 6, 2010 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: World Tour

proxima parada Amsterdam Centraal

Luego de un viaje más corto de lo esperado a la India, tomé el avión hacia Europa con ganas de ver caras conocidas y amigables, realmente necesitaba descansar de mi viaje a la India, que fue el más agotador de mi vida, no por lo recorrido o la incomodidad sino por el desgaste emocional que sufrí...

permalink written by  pabloalvarez1978 on November 17, 2009 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Pablo Alvarez

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