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Sept 11

Princess was born on Sept 11. We have celebrated her birthday in China for 3 years. When I tell my my students they say, in shock, that's a bad day for a birthday. My neighbor (in China) just had a C-section to prevent her baby from having a bad birthday Sept. 3, all ghosts day. Actually the...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 11, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Self Image

It has been interesting to watch Little Guy use his sign language. He now talks to himself in sign. He was walking around the apartment yesterday signing "Where? Where? Shoes where?". He is very close to Princess. They always are together. Yesterday he brought some nail polish to me. He wanted...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 10, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: carseat tourist's Travel Blog

Where was I

Little guy just loves looking at pictures. He likes pictures from our American life, he likes pictures from other cities in China, he loves pictures of himself! The school in Hefei gave us a picture CD of our experience there. So Princess loaded in the DVD player and is enjoying seeing it....

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 5, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: carseat tourist's Travel Blog

Mainstream Man!

The best thing that happened this week is that Little Guy gets to go to kindergarten with his sister. Princess wanted to go back to school on Monday, so we took her and Little Guy. We thought he would just meet her friends and then we'd go home. We arrived and everyone was excited to see...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on September 4, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: carseat tourist's Travel Blog

Failed attempt to hire deaf ayi

We have an ayi, but have seen this group of recyclers with a deaf woman. Last semester we gave them all of our recycling and they came up to the apartment to get them. The deaf woman was so sweet. After they came up, Chris thought maybe we should try to hire the woman after we got little guy to...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on August 27, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Goodbye blue skys

Tonight's the night we hop on the midnight train. Chris's students took us out to eat at the 100 year old restaraunt. The original chef invented Gu Bao Ru when he cooked for the Emperor. It's like sweet and sour pork without the sauce or pinapple. It's good. But the big hit was the bugs. I...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on July 8, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Gearing up for the journey

In less than a week we will be in the same province as our son! It's so exciting. We spent the day taking care of details... the best thing was collecting the yuan...payday has a whole different feeling when you go get a stack of cash. Back in the States, half the time you never see your...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on July 6, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

4th of July

I love America! I love the 4th of July because it is my Grandma's birthday. She is a wonderful person. I have the best memories of celebrating her Birthday and 4th of July together. This is my 3rd Fourth of July in China! I can't believe it. The first one in Shenyang was lame. Last year we had...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on July 4, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

Moving On

Good news, train tickets can be exchanged without too much trouble in China. Yeah! We will go to Beijing the day before our plane leaves for Anhui and enjoy that yummy Western food and visit the coveted Foriegn Language Bookstore. The semester is almost over...3 classes left to teach! I had...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on July 2, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher


Well, when I started the blog, I wanted it to be very positive about China. I think many people write culture shock blogs and they are not fair to the country they visit. I wanted to be different. I wanted to point out some fun differences and share some cultural stuff. I wanted our son to read...

permalink written by  carseat tourist on June 29, 2009 from Harbin, China
from the travel blog: Life in Harbin as an American English Teacher

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