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Emily Goes Walkabout

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T Minus 3 (ish) days

Wellington, New Zealand

Well, here I am on Saturday night, 3 days before I leave the country on a one-way ticket to... somewhere. The rest of my life, I guess.

Early on Tuesday morning, May 12th 2009, I will wing my way over the ditch to Australia and whatever adventures await me there and beyond.

It doesn't feel real. Although I booked the ticket and quit my job a little under a month ago, I had been waiting to hear whether I would be able to stay here in NZ and do some study I wanted (thought I wanted?) to do. So I hadn't really fully bought into the reality of leaving.

'The other thing' didn't work out. Perhaps luckily. So here I am, still trying to get my head around the fact that I leave my life and country for 'good' in less than 3 days. I haven't packed, I haven't booked anywhere to stay, I have no concrete plan. Like I said - it doesn't feel real. At all.

permalink written by  emilysquest on May 9, 2009 from Wellington, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Emily Goes Walkabout
tagged Wellington and NewZealand

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