My Stuff
Hey Angie,
I haven't repsonded to a commet on our site yet, so I'm not sure this will reach you. I just wanted to say hello and thank you for your loving thoughts... it REALLY helps to know that our family is supportive of our trip and following our adventures as we move along. And it's especially nice to hear from you and Doug since we havne't been in touch for so long. I am really proud of you Angie - raising 4 kids is hard work and very courageous, so I hope you feel pride in what you do... a whole set of adventures of it's own! Tim and I are talking more about having kids, especially now that Jules and Bri are expecting. We are talking about cutting the trip short - for numerous reasons - and once we get settled back into a normal routine, we will probably think about starting a family. We've both been on the fence about it... scared to lose our freedom and quiet time, but I think it's a very worthewhile experience in life and something I hope we'd do well at.
Travel is tough... and after 4 months on the road, I wouldn't consider myself the traveling type. I am homesick and I get irritated quickly at times when I can't find any comfort in my surroundings. But the journey has been amazing and has definitely served to shed some light on the luxuries and choices we have at home. I think we'll be more relaxed and more tolerant and more simplistic when we return...
So, we are waiting for a 3:30 bus to Kulua Lumpur. We met an ex-pat from the States in the airport at LAX and she and her family have offered us a plac e to stay and relax for a few days. We can do laundry, get cuaght up on errands and plan the next month ahead. And it will be nice to get their perspecitve as ex-pats - something we originally thought about, but it seems we are both anxious to get home... jsut gotta decide if that's in Santa Cruz, Lake Tahoe or elsewhere.
Well, I hope all is well with you and DOug and the kids. I'm glad you got to spend some time with my Mom and I'm sure she really enjoyed being with you and the kids. Keep up the great work and I'd really like to plan a visit when I'm in Southern Cal next.
Be well and lots of love,
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on April 2, 2008
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