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405 - Like the Highway (Rob)

Chicago, United States

Very interesting evening. We arrived to meet Brian and Janine at the hotel. They were running a little behind schedule, so that gave us plenty of time to upload more pictures. Yes, we have more pictures to show.

When the two arrived at the hotel, Brian looked more dashing than ever. Janine was perfect as she has always been - pretty and petite. I wasn't sure what the night had planned for us, but I knew that it started with a Chicago deep dish pizza. I thought that it would be like any normal pizza. I've been to Bronx Pizza off of Washington Blvd. It's ok. I've had better. I think that I prefer the Americanized Papa Johns and everything else is just blah. But not Chicago pizza. This pizza had layers to it. So good and we were full off of 2 pieces. I was surprised when I took the second. One large pizza covered the four of us. Good times.

We then waltzed our way into Boystown. Boystown is just like Hillcrest is to San Diego or Castro is to San Francisco. I would never believe that they would call it "Boystown", but whatever, it was fun nonetheless. There were boys everywhere. Holding hands, eating a romantic dinner, and reading at a coffee shop together. I am not sure how I knew that they were together at a coffee shop, but I just knew. It was like Chicago was a city of love or something. So damn cute, I almost vomitted.

We stopped at a little bar/dance club, who's name I don't recall. Brian immediately bought a pitcher of Margarita. James had a Bacardi/coke. It was a great night, there was a lounge area, and a back area which had a singing contest. The contest was for the next rising star. There were three contestants. The girl, I thought, was the best voice, but she couldn't remember any of the words from the song. It was a Les Miserables song, and James and I assisted her as much as we could remember. Definitely a good time. The crowd emptied and then came dancing.

We stayed at the bar until it closed at 1:30/2am. We proceeded to the next one: Charley's. Janine and Brian went back to the hotel. I thought that we would too, but James decided to stay out - so I did too. It was more fun than the other bar. I'll let James get into the story on that front. But let's just say, we are probably having lunch with a boy or two tomorrow. Nothing more than lunch though. We were very good boys and returned to the hotel. The one thing that I can't believe is that the second bar still serves liquor until like 5am! Holy Cow. I just stuck to water.

The walk home was brilliant. Although it was 37 degrees, the sweat on our backs and our body heat kept us warm. The cold air felt like air conditioning on a hot day. It was a nice walk back. And a nice talk between James and I. We'll be back, Chicago.

permalink written by  James Coloma on December 29, 2005 from Chicago, United States
from the travel blog: Rob & James - Cross Country Trip - December 2005 to January 2006
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