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The Big Canal

Amsterdam, Netherlands

I’ve been in Amsterdam for a few days now and it’s a fun city. I’m ready to leave though. I was supposed to leave today (July 12) but due to complications with bus schedules, I won’t be leaving to Prague until July 14. I went a head and rented a bike for a few days. Bikes are the best and easiest way to get around Amsterdam. Most of the roads here are designed specifically for bikers and the trams.

Cool parking garage for bikes.

There are only two places I’ve found that have free wi-fi so It’s hard for me to write here or respond to emails. The hostel I’m staying at in Prague has free wi-fi so it should be easier to keep in touch.
I’ll finally be making my way east so my money should be worth a lot more than it is in the west. Now my dilemma is booking hostels/trains/buses/flights far enough in advanced so I don’t get stuck somewhere like I am now. I decided since I’m losing a couple days, I am just going to skip Bratislava and just go straight to Budapest. I’ll try and be there on the 18th.

It’s cool how this city works. The entire city lies below sea level. I found this diagram in the hostel.

Left: View from the top floor of Amsterdam’s library, the largest one in Europe.
Right: View from the city up close

Here are a couple pictures from the Red Light District. Sorry I know they’re blurry but I still think they look cool.

permalink written by  pathaley on July 12, 2008 from Amsterdam, Netherlands
from the travel blog: Eurotrip
tagged Canal, Amsterdam and RedLightDistrict

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The bike parking was shown on the Amazing Race!

permalink written by  Mom on July 15, 2008

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pathaley pathaley
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My name is Patrick. I am an amateur traveler on a very important mission. The only problem is I don't know where I'm going and I don't know what my mission is yet.

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