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Buenos Aires and Foz de Iguazu

Puerto Iguazu, Argentina

Hello to all of you,

Just to start, we wanted to say that we receive all the comments that you write without any problem... and we read it!! It is great to see that a lot of you follow us. Unfortunately we can´t answer all of them as they are comments only, but you can create your own adress on blogabond and send messages (those we can answer!).
Anyway keep on sending plenty of messages and comments because we love to read them...

kisses to all of you.

Alors un peu en francais...
On voulait just dire que l'on recoit bien vos commentaires que vous nous ecrivez... et meme on les lit!! C'est super de voir que beaucoup d'entre vous nous suivent. Malheureusement on ne peut pas repondre aux commentaires mais vous pouvez creer votre propre adresse sur blogabond et envoyer des messages (ca on peut repondre!).
En tout cas continuez a nous envoyer des messages et commetaires parce qu'on adore les lire...

Gros bisous a vous tous!!


So we are now in Argentina... Second country of our trip!!
We arrive in Buenos Aires a little bit less than a week ago and stayed there for two days...
As we always do, we went around town seeing as much as we can...the Palace of Congress, the big avenues, a demonstration, political graffitis on the street walls, the little Big Ben lookalike... and many more buildings that we don´t really remember the names of!! We also saw the famous pink palace where Evita and her husband used to live and where she used to come out on the balcony and be greeted by the population!

At night we wandered in the touristic streets of Buenos Aires and saw a great jazz/ska band called Pollerapantalon! Check it out if you can!

On the next day, just before taking our bus to Puerto Iguazu, we quickly went to see the grave of Evita in the Cimetery where most of the famous people from Argentina are buried... The graves are absolutely beautiful (in their own way) and rivalise with great sculptures.

After those two days in Buenos Aires we took the bus (20 hours of bus) to go to Puerto Iguazu where we are now... It is the main city from where you can visit the Foz de Iguazu, which is the world biggest waterfall.

So we arrived yesterday, very early in the morning and after finding a place to stay at night, we jumped in the bus going to the foz...
We started to go to see a part of the falls called El Garganta Del Diablo which means the Devil's Throat. It is a kind of hole where a big waterfall goes down to and because it is so

powerfull (there is some clouds of water coming from the hole), you can´t even see the bottom. It is very impressive... the nature really hides a lot of wonders!!

After seeing the Devil's throat we went to see other parts of the waterfalls.... first from the top and then from the bottom. there is so many waterfalls, you don´t know where to look next!!!

Along the way, we saw many strange animals called capotis!

We then went to see another view of the park from an island in the middle. After a short climb and a walk in the forest, you see one of the waterfall from the left side... but this view seems to be the closest you can get in the park... and it is beautiful...
The power delivered by the water when it splashes down is very very impressive...
You really don´t want to fall down!! It must be like being in a gigantic (and dangerous) washing machine!!!

After seeing all of those waterfalls, we went for a trek in the forest for about 7km return. It was a real pleasure to leave a bit the touristique part of the park (it is very touristique!!) and to be more in the nature. We heard and saw a lot of birds, we saw a Capivara which is the biggest rodant in the world (kind of mix between a big rat and a rabbit!)... but we missed to see jaguars who are supposed to live in those forest !! (they even give some leaflets at the entrance of the trek to tell you how to react if a jaguar sees you.... scary!!!)

After an hour of walk we arrive to a small waterfall (again!!!) very secluded... the water at the bottom was very clear but definitely too cold to swim in!!

We then return to the park, happy to have walked in the nature.

After a nice night of sleep, we are now getting ready for 20 more hours of bus to return to Buenos Aires, but we won´t stay there long as we plan to head for Mendoza in the wine region...


Agnes and Ola

permalink written by  agnesola on July 30, 2007 from Puerto Iguazu, Argentina
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...
tagged Argentina, PuertoIguazu and BuenosAires

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Mendoza, Argentina

Hola a todos,

Espero que estéis bien. Nosotros estamos de muerte.
Hoy en la mañana hemos llegado a Mendoza, una pequeñisima ciudad en la preciosa Argentina. Desde antes de entrar en la ciudad se divisan letreros de casas donde se venden vinos caseros, aceite de oliva, fruta, etc... Entre otras muchas cosas.
Es muy pequeñita, ya casi la hemos recorrido toda. Desafortunadamente a esta ciudad tienes que venir cuando es verano por lo que vemos en las agencias de turismo, lo que anuncian es: rafting, cayaking, traking, etc...
Y nosotros como estamos de relax, pues francamente como que no creo que hagamos nada de eso. Lo que sí hemos hecho ha sido (al menos yo) levantamiento de tarro (de cerveza) y competencias (de comer carne), lanzamiento (pastelitos a mi barriga) y para relajarme me echo mi cafecito cada tarde. Vamos, que ya tengo una panza de pulquera que no me va a reconocer ni mi mamá cuando me vea llegar a México. Yo creo que dentro de poco ya no caminaré, yo creo comenzaré a rodar jajajaja

Todo sea por amor a la patria. jajjajaa

Bueno, cuidaros mucho, mucho y nos vemos un día de estos.

Un abrazo fuerte.


permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on August 26, 2008 from Mendoza, Argentina
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE POR ASIA Y ALGO MAS...
tagged Argentina and Mendoza

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Cordoba, Argentina

Apart from the straightforward jump over the border and the troubling jump in ticket prices once in Argentina, our journey to Cordoba was pretty uneventful. The Argentinian buses feel more like trains, particularly after so much time spent on the rattling deathtraps that cloud up the crazy roads of Bolivia. I was careful not to mention, while we still used the Bolivian deathroads, Niall´s accident- but now that we have escaped them I think I can relay the story without raising my mums blood pressure too much (she is, after all, pretty much the only person who reads this blog). Niall was on his way to Sucre from La Paz. He has a habit of taking diazepam before a long journey and was just easing himself into a drug induced sleep when his bus swerved off the road. Apparently a lorry or bus was driving on the wrong side of the road and the driver was forced off the road in order to avoid a head on collision. The bus turned on its side and although there was not (as there often is) a steep drop off the side of the road, the crash resulted in a number of small injuries and two fatalities. This could have been any bus in Bolivia. Niall escaped, with the other passengers, through the windscreen and was forced to return to La Paz. Shaken and understandably not wishing to relive the experience, he headed to Potosi instead, where we found him still in shock and nursing a rather pathetic bruise on the nail of his little finger.

It was, therefore, with understandable relief that we were able to bid farewell to the Bolivia buses and welcome the long, straight roads and the smooth, spacious new buses of Argentina, with their unlimited free tea and generous supply of films. The lavish luxury of these new buses was extended once we got off to the galleries, restaurants, cafes and museums of Cordoba. The streets were smart and lined with orderly rows of tall trees, the roads were wide and busy, the shops had shiny shelves filled with rows of goods. We hadn´t seen anything like this for a while. The dusty shelves of a typical shop in Bolivia would contain a scattering of products, most of which look like they belong in a museum. Suddenly we were surrounded by supermarkets, statues, electric buses and more tight jeans than Reading festival. Smart old men wore tweed jackets and cravats and everywhere seemed to me to have a sophisticated European feel to it.

This is all very nice on one level but when you are a traveller with little money such a transition is also a bit of a worry. We had come up with a few money saving ideas, one of which was to invest in hip flasks (secretly I had been looking for an excuse to buy one for a while) and when we got to Cordoba we were eager to try them out in the local bars. We filled them with frenet, the local spirit of choice although I´m not sure why because a) it is Italian and b) it tastes like leaves and medicine. Anyway, our experiment was a success - we topped up cokes in dark smoky corners while listening to reggaeton and hanging out with our room mates - a pair of quirky Finnish vegetarians. Niall, who had found his way down to Cordoba after being seperated from and then reunited with his bags (he really wasn´t having much luck with buses) topped off the night in characteristic style by vomitting a lomito out of the cab, which then refused to go on.

In case you are wondering, a lomito - meaning a small steak – is a kind of steak sandwich popular in Argentina. My first lomito also contained two eggs, ham, a slab of cheese, salad and mayonnaise. By the time I had finished my head hurt and I was pretty sure that if I listened closely enough I would be able to hear my heart faintly sobbing. It did taste pretty good but was nothing compared to my second Argentinian steak experience in one of the citys more credible establishments. It was the best steak I have ever had in my life. Over an inch thick and the most mouth wateringly juicy and tender piece of meat imaginable, I vowed to eat as many of these as possible before Brazil. No more ice-creams, no more snacks, I would even cut down on water if it meant that I could feasibly have one of these every night. It is a strange feeling to at once devote your life to the consumption of meat but there was no doubt in my mind - I needed to make the most of these.

Before we left Cordoba we visited the house in which Che spent most of his childhood - it is now a museum with some rooms still "intact" and some devoted to various articals and exhibits, my favourite being a a 500cc Norton motorbike identical to 'La Poderosa'- the Powerful One- which famously carried Che and Alberto across South America in The Motorcycle Diaries. Our own (only slightly less epic) journey continued the next day to the place of Che´s birth, Rosario.

permalink written by  steve_stamp on August 12, 2009 from Cordoba, Argentina
from the travel blog: The art of being lost
tagged Argentina, Steak, Lomito, Fernet, Hipflasks and Che

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Puerto Iguazu

Puerto Iguazu, Argentina

Iguazu Falls

permalink written by  Andy and Frankie on October 7, 2009 from Puerto Iguazu, Argentina
from the travel blog: Team Frandrew Go Global
tagged Argentina

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My life is travel.

Cordoba, Argentina

This is my first blog ever....
Hundreds if not thousands of people must write these words everyday but maybe because of that I feel like I am entering a community of sorts... without knowing anyone else in that community. In all honesty I have been looking for a chance to start writing and I have noticed that i enjoy the process. Especially when writing about myself... Maybe I am a bit narcissistic. Maybe a lot narcissistic.

Anyways... My life is travel.

I was conceived in one continent and born in another... Since I was a child I never lived in the same country more than 5 years and often a lot less. When I stay somewhere for too long my feet get itchy and I need to don a pack and start moving... the further the better.

BUT; now that has changed.

In the past year I have undergone many profound changes that included marriage, moving to Cordoba Argentina, a daughter... and now my own hostel. And this is what this blog is about. It´s about hanging up your backpack, storing your clothes in an actual closet, wearing long pants and not shorts and dedicating your life to watching and helping others travel. It should be interesting, to me at least.

We just bought this hostel... It´s a beautiful house with tall ceilings, interior gardens, big double doors and a large backyard. It´s on a quiet sleepy street that almost miraculously is in the smack middle of the town... I walk out... take a few steps and like a slap in the face the city hits me. Very strange.

My hostel has no soul... it is quiet, empty, decorated with things that are not mine and that I don´t like. On weekdays like this no one comes around. The few guests curiously mimic the hostel. They too are strange, they too are quiet, mysterious... I know nothing about them as I know nothing about this place... it´s stories, it´s past life.
All I know is that the past owners were tired of it, I can tell from the paint that peels from the walls, the plants that died from lack of care, the dust that has gathered under the furniture...

I need to infect my hostel with the excitement that lives inside me. The excitement of starting something new, the excitement of making this a reflection of me... of making this hostel a home away from home for travelers. It´s a bit overwhelming there is so much to do... just the paperwork is mind-numbing... One day when I am really bored I will write about it, i mean why should I be the only one bored.

But now we start. As soon as I get up from this computer I start... moving beds, painting walls, decorating, planting, building....

Ready.... go.

permalink written by  pewmanche on August 25, 2010 from Cordoba, Argentina
from the travel blog: Life at Pewmanche
tagged Backpacker, Argentina, Hostel, Traveler, Begining and Cordoba

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Preparing for an Antarctic expedition

Tampa, United States

The last two weeks have been filled with multiple phone calls to and from GAP Adventures, plus hours spent on Expedia.com. Finally all the details have been worked out, payments received, air and hotel reservations confirmed. I am so exited: I am going to Antarctica!

In two weeks I will be on a plane from Tampa, FL to Buenos Aires, Argentina and then on to the southern most city in the world: Ushuaia. I will spend five days exploring Tierra del Fuego National Park and visiting the glaciers near Ushuaia.

Here in Forida we have a lot of people, AKA snowbirds, from the east coast and Canada that come south for the winter. My trip gives a whole new meaning to "going south for the winter". I ran into a friend the other day who thought I was going to Key West, FL when I told her I was going as far south as I could go for Christmas. Hard as it is for us Floridians to believe, there is something south of Key West (and I don't mean Cuba)!

permalink written by  dorisdavies on November 30, 2010 from Tampa, United States
from the travel blog: End of the earth to the top of the world
tagged Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Gap, MachuPicchu and Antarctica

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