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Beijing Syndrome

Beijing, China

Less than 24 hours after landing I developed the Beijing Syndrome - a clear the mucus from my throat cough. It will be so nice to leave this air and head to Xinjiang!

Yesterday my friend & I strolled through the art district. Very strange smells were heavy in the air making breathing difficult.

My first thought was oil paint odor or other art supply. But neither smell was familiar and I've done multiple art mediums including the chemical heavy photo developement.

My second thought was chemical warfare gas attack. I would have been doomed! There was lots of remodeling going on but the smells did not fit that activity, either.

Regardless, I made it out alive!

permalink written by  prrrrl on August 29, 2009 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: China 2009
tagged Art, Air, Smell and Odor

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Art Exposition by Ron English

New York, United States

Going back home walking through the beautiful Soho area we found a free interesting and weird art exposition by Ron English.
Volviéndo para casa nos hemos encontrado una exposición de arte de lo más inusual. El tipo se hace llamar Ron English.

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 19, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York
tagged Art

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chaos and art

New York, United States

If chaos and stress in a city is conducted to the right direction...
Cuando combinamos arte y estrés armoniosamente...

the result is art
el resultado es arte:

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 22, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York
tagged Art

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Rewriting history or PREwriting history???

Beijing, China

Many of the subway stations walls are covered in revenue producing ads (at one time the station by Tian An Men Square had huge posters featuring my daughter's then boyfriend) but a few of the original stations (the subway system has about quadrupled since preparations for the '08 Olympics began in 2000) have real artwork on there walls, each of the artful stations having their own theme. Line 2 at Jiang Guo Men? They had a beautiful mythical ancient 'sports' in tile behind trains heading North opposite modern [real] sports in tile behind trains heading south. I haven't headed south yet so I have not studied it's changes, if any, but the North bound? What was once ancient Tang Dynasty, floating through air spirit - like supernatural practitioners of kong fu with a backdrop of celestial bodies now has Chinese landers on the moon, rocket launch towers with ascending space vehicles and man-made satellites among the real celestial bodies. I do not Admire the art as much now. I will have to study the opposite wall even if I don't need to travel south. I miss the pure whimsey of their ancient 'sports.'

permalink written by  prrrrl on February 23, 2012 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing I, 2012
tagged China, Beijing, Sports, Art, History, Ancient, Subway, Trains, Space, Whimsey and Rewrite

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