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it's a gate in central Potsdam, forgot it's name though...

it's a gate in central Potsdam, forgot it's name though...

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by jorgn_craw
from the travel blog: Euro Trip 2008

tagged Germany

main Berlin train station... I was quite fascinated to see Bikes and Dogs (maybe even chooks) are allowed in the train... Marvo's Golf due for a check up after the long drive to and from Bavaria this caught my eye...breakfast on wheel service...wonder if it is viable in Auckland??? I think this is where the Dutch Area (or Dutch Quarter) has a nostagic feel in it... it's a gate in central Potsdam, forgot it's name though... I had to touch them to prove they are real and not like my plastic decorations.... I am thankful they enjoyed my Rice Noodles recipe!!!! entry to the Xmas Market Kaiser Wilhem Memorial Church: The old and the new...

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