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Jan Rynkiewicz/Renkiewicz Aug 1935, Nanticoke, PA

Jan Rynkiewicz/Renkiewicz Aug 1935, Nanticoke, PA

This is my GF Jan/John Rynkiewicz/Renkiewicz born on 9 Nov 1884 in Zebry, Poland. He died on 9 Jun 1943 and is buried in the Roman Catholic Cemetery Holy Trinity in Nanticoke, PA. His parents were Andrzej and Marianna (Chmielewska) Renkiewicz from #14 Zebry, Poland. He emigrated into the U.S. in 1904 and married Mariana Hajduk on 15 Nov 1909. He worked as a coal miner in the coal mines of the NE part of Pennsylvania and had five children. This photograph was taken in the backyard of his brother Anthony and his wife Frances E. (Zarzecka) Renkiewicz on 221 East Noble St. in Nanticoke, PA. Trying to get his birth document from either Wasosz or Lomza. Any help warmly and graciously accepted. I can be reached at my email Sto Lat God Bless, Jan J. Rynkiewicz/Renkiewicz

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by jjrynk from Nanticoke, United States
from the travel blog: Zebry, Poland

Anna (Renkiewicz) Ciecierska Anna (Renkiewicz) Ciecierska Anna (Renkiewicz) Ciecierska grave Marker (Old) Jan Rynkiewicz/Renkiewicz Aug 1935, Nanticoke, PA Jan Renkiewicz/Rynkiewicz Aug 1935, Nanticoke, PA Jan/John Rynkiewicz Holy Trinity RC Cemetery Merchelski Headstone Wasosz Sign Old Wasosz ROman Catholic Church

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