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River Kwai / Chiang Mai / Jungle Trekking

The River Kwai was semi interesting - but it sort of lost any value when a yellow tourist train goes over the bridge and they set off fake fireworks. The place looks amazing though and the weather is awesome 31 degrees. We spent most of the day at an awesome waterfall, the fish bite you're feet...

permalink written by  bdobson on December 15, 2008 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Dobson's World Tour

Come With Nothing

I am currently driving back to Chiang Mai from Chiang Rai after dropping off my students at the airport. My Come With Nothing trip is now over and I have to start a new trip. These last 3 weeks have been so much fun. Some of the most memorable weeks of my life. It feels so weird to...

permalink written by  jasonreevesmiller on July 27, 2008 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand Summer 2008


Hola a Todos! Adrianita, lo primero que me encuentro es tu nombre en este blog y no sabes la alegria que me das, yo pensaba que ya te habias olvidado de mi, y eso si que no te lo perdonaria en la vida! jajajaja Agradezco muchisimo que con expreses tus sentimientos y pensares, eso me anima...

permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on July 20, 2008 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE POR ASIA Y ALGO MAS...


Hola a todos! Despues de 12 horas de bus por fin hemos llegado a Chiang Mai esta mañana, cerca de las 6 de la mañana. Lo primero: correr a dormir al novotel. El pobre Carlos estaba destrozado (me parece que ya no somos tan jovenes para estas patoaventuras). Mañana nos vamos hacer el treking...

permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on July 18, 2008 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: NUESTRO VIAJE POR ASIA Y ALGO MAS...

A Real Hotel and Shop-Till-You-Drop!

The getaway from Koh Phangan was not that easy... After a recovery day from the Full Moon Party, we were booked (I should say over-booked) on ferry to Koh Tao, a smaller island close by known for it's diving. Unfortunately we were turned away and had to spend one more night on Koh Phangan....

permalink written by  TwoSouls on May 5, 2008 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand: You Want Massage Mista?

the right place

hallo liebe leute, die aermeren unter euch muessen ja heute wieder arbeiten. bin hier gut in Chiang Mai angekommen und muss ehrlich sagen, dass ich mich hier sehr wohl fuehle. eine sehr angenehme abwechslung zu dem andauernden dancefloor geplaerr von phi phi. es spielt hier im hotel sogar...

permalink written by  ayaka on December 27, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: x-mas on kho phi phi (2007)

Chiang Mai by night = Dumb ass idea.

Well, 11:00 on Thurdays night we made our way to the bus station in Sukhothai so that we could have a nice 7 hour relaxing ride to Chiang Mai and wake up refreshed and get out and explore a bit with out waisting a day on the bus. This was not the case, the bus was due to arrive at 1:30 in the...

permalink written by  ourindochina on December 15, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: The Indo China Adventure (incl Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia)

Trekking, Cooking & Bartering

We went to Chiang Mai on an overnight train narrowly avoiding a scam bus from Bangkok which we foolishly bought tickets for, regarldess we arrived safe and sound on the train. We did a few things in Chiang Mai. First was a cooking course for one day, which involved us and 6 other...

permalink written by  tomrendell on October 19, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: The Last Leg

On the return leg

Just under 6 weeks left to squeeze in Northern Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

permalink written by  vicks4 on June 29, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Post Work Trip - Vicky Griffiths

Northern Thailand--Part 2

After a great introduction to Northern Thailand, we set off for a few days of cooking school. I think Joc, Viv and Jennie have all written about this, so I won't spend much time on it. But I will say it was a fantastic few days. If you are a Thai food fan and find yourself in Chaing Mai, I...

permalink written by  GoBlue on June 12, 2007 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Carl's Circuit

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