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River Kwai / Chiang Mai / Jungle Trekking

Chiang Mai, Thailand

The River Kwai was semi interesting - but it sort of lost any value when a yellow tourist train goes over the bridge and they set off fake fireworks. The place looks amazing though and the weather is awesome 31 degrees. We spent most of the day at an awesome waterfall, the fish bite you're feet and hands when in the water.

We had more than enough beers to do Karoke and me and weaver tortured 'total eclipse of the heart' - some dutch people didnt seem too impressed! We also met the Tom Jones of the Phillipines!

We then spent 2 days in Atthuthara - looking at more temples and ruins. For a country that has no infrastructure and everyone lives in poverty -you would think someone would suggest stop building Golden temples and spend some money on sewers and houses not made of crates.

We are currently now in Chang Mai - having spent 2 days trekking in the jungle. That was pretty awesome. Was hard work trekking out and then we stayed in some tiny village - we also went white water rafting on the way back.

Current count:
32 Thai Brides
28 Fatties
4 Unconfirmed ladyboys

permalink written by  bdobson on December 15, 2008 from Chiang Mai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Dobson's World Tour
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Apologies - no photos as yet.
Have taken loads but need to upload them!

permalink written by  Bryan on December 15, 2008

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