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Day of rest

I had a bit of a lie-in today which I felt was much needed and of course Sunday is the day of rest, but I did feel bad waking up at 10:30am whilst everyone else was out working. But I didn’t feel like I could do a lot anyway considering how achy I was after carrying G.P. yesterday, but it was...

permalink written by  chrischarly on October 16, 2011 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

A baby cow!

I felt like I truly worked hard today! Being on a farm is pretty exhausting at times! Chris and I put up a chicken wire fence that took us 3 hours in the baking hot sun, with the animals not particularly being helpful. The goats kept trying to eat the cable ties and our clothes whilst the...

permalink written by  chrischarly on October 15, 2011 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Lichfield Park

It was so nice to sleep in an air-conditioned room last night! But woke up and Chris went straight to work mowing the lawns whilst Becks and I cleared the twigs and hoses out of the way. After that, Daniel took us to go and see the magnetic termite mounds that point from North to...

permalink written by  chrischarly on October 14, 2011 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

To Batchelor to meet up with Becks...

Woke up early and drove straight out to Katherine to have an explore around. However, when we arrived, I logged straight on to the internet and noticed I had a Facebook message from our friend Becks who we met in Laos. She only lives 200km away from where we were so we cancelled our plans...

permalink written by  chrischarly on October 13, 2011 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Litchfield Karaoke Park

A un centaine de km au Sud de Darwin se trouve le Litchfield Park, réputé pour ses champs de termitières magnétiques (parfaitement alignées sur un axe Nord-Sud), mais surtout pour ses swimming spots. Et il y a de quoi. Non seulement parce que ce sont les seules possibilités de baignade naturelle...

permalink written by  Anne & Sam on April 1, 2010 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Australia, another step in Darwin's shoes

Random Nuggets Of Information #3

On account of the fact I've had fuck all money and therefore no motivation to peel myself off whatever couch happens to be handy apart from when I have to go and slave in a field I haven't quite managed to put together a suitably coherent post. I mean, I've been up to stuff since I got to...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on August 21, 2007 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

Work. Yay. I Think.

On account of the fact I resemble a stapled mural with a grin the only people in the world who'll employ me are the Firey Pits Of Hell otherwise known as a melon farm near Batchelor. This means no phone signal or internet until what will seem like the very end of...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on August 17, 2007 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

Litchfield National Park

We went to the Litchfield National Park for two days which was really beautiful. A must visit for any prospective travellers. We camped at Buley Rock Pools and spent a lot of time down at the Rock pools which were really beautiful with cascading waterfalls down to seperate pools. We enjoyed...

permalink written by  michelle62 on June 30, 2007 from Batchelor, Australia
from the travel blog: Travelling around Australia

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