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5ft Black tipped reef shark

Woke up bright and early at 6:15am to get away as early as possible to try and secure a place to sleep in the Cape Range National Park, but unfortunately as we lent 2 hard-core travellers our tent for the night as they only had a sheet of tarpaulin to sleep under we had to wait for them to wake...

permalink written by  chrischarly on October 5, 2011 from Exmouth, Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Ningaloo Reef - Exmouth

Nach einigem Ueberlegen sind wir im Besuchercenter in Carnarvon ueberein gekommen und haben Whalesharkdiving gebucht. Ein letztes Mal Schnorcheln in Exmouth. Fuer nur 375 Dollar sind wir 5 Mal von diesem Boot gehuepft um mit drei oder vier Walhaien 5-6 Meter Laenge zu tauchen. Vorher wurden...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on April 7, 2011 from Exmouth, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

groooosser fisch!

nach exmouth sind wir nur gefahren, um in ningaloo-reef mit walhaien, den groessten fischen der welt, zu schwimmen. exmouth selbst ist wirklich wirklich haesslich! aber da laufen emus rum, jede menge, und ueberall, einfach auf der strasse... aber die passen ja, die sind auch...

permalink written by  Alex & Magda on April 2, 2010 from Exmouth, Australia
from the travel blog: visiting the World

Day 72 - Exploring the great OUTBACK, sleeping under the stars and swimming with MANTA RAYS!

AHH ONLY 1 DAY LEFT WITH HOME COMFORTS!! After that it's the backpack again, don't know how i'll cope without home meals! I'm off to the East coast of Oz on Tues, but truthfully can't wait to get exploring again. I had to put a nappy on my nephew Joel the other day, an experience so...

permalink written by  Ayglesia on June 24, 2007 from Exmouth, Australia
from the travel blog: Alex's round the world adventure

West Coast Mission: Day 12

When I were but a wee bairn, much longer ago than I'd care to let on (narrows eyes at younger but by no means better looking friends) I liked reading books about dinosaurs and animals and sea creatures and stuff. I remember a particular photo in a book and the paragraph of text next to it. I...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on May 13, 2007 from Exmouth, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

Big Things #22

This beast is on the road between Coral Bay and Exmouth and I think there is actually a reason for it being there, as in the building behind it has something to do with prawns. Not sure what, though. Still, I reckon the one in Ballina would kick this ones arse in a fight.

permalink written by  Koala Bear on May 12, 2007 from Exmouth, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

West Coast Mission: Day 11

It was exactly a year ago today that I landed in Australia, was fetched from the airport by John and Dom at 6.45am and proceeded to drag a traumatised and shattered Emma round Brisbane so we could buy SIM cards, open bank accounts and laugh in the face of jetlag. Oh come on, its not my fault she...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on May 12, 2007 from Exmouth, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

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