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Con Cali

Con Cali

permalink written by  concali on February 15, 2012 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: Con Cali

Woofing und Abschied

Also nochmal drei Tage lang woofen. Die Mitarbeiter waren nett und arbeiteten mich am ersten Tag etwas ein. So schwer ist es ja nicht. Ich musste Kueche und Essraeume putzen, Staub saugen und fegen, Geschirr spuelen und Mikrowellen putzen. Dafuer bekam ich dann auch ein gemuetliches Bett....

permalink written by  Chrizzy on March 19, 2011 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

Bruny Island

Auf Brunie Island angekommen, machten wir uns auf dem Weg in den suedlichsten Sueden des tasmanischen Suedens und ueberlegten einen der laengsten Walks zu gehen. Leider hatten wir nicht so viel Zeit und verkuerzten diesen indem wir auf halbem Weg wieder umkehrten. Was nicht so schoen war ist,...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on March 16, 2011 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

Mt. Field National Park

Also ging's weiter mit Saki. Leider hatten wir nur zwei Tage zusammen. Erstmal fuhren wir zum Mt. Field National Park wo wir viel Tracks gingen und zufaellig auf ein Tree-Protection Camp stiessen. Die Leute dort wollen den Wald vor der Abrodung schuetzen und leben dort schon seit 5 Sommern. Wir...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on March 15, 2011 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

Mt. Wellington bei schoenem Wetter

Der Gedanke, dass ich meine deutschen Reisepartner bald loswurde, machte mich an diesem sonnigen Tag auf Mt. Wellington etwas froehlicher :-). Am Abend setzte ich die zwei jungen Maedels am Flughafen ab. Ich hoffe zumindest, dass sie ihre Sichtweise, was Traveln und Urlaub machen angehen,...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on March 14, 2011 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

At sea on way to Melbourne

The sea is rough today.The top two decks are closed.The captain is trying to get to Melbourne by midnight to get out of the storm.We'll be safe in the bay.

permalink written by  edoyle on February 19, 2011 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: World Cruise


It took us two days to cross the Tasman Sea. The wave conditions were unusually calm. As a result we arrived in Hobart 12 hours early. The last time we crossed the Tasman Sea we had 30 foot waves for two days. The town of Hobart surrounds a beautiful harbor. It is a lovely, small,...

permalink written by  rcodel on February 18, 2011 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: World Cruise - 2011


Fri.18th We arrived last evening at 7:30,earlier than expected.Immigration officials came on board and we all had to go to the main lounge for clearance and a stamp.Our table was lucky,we went between the main course and dessert. Went on an oyster and wine tour.On the way we were driven up to...

permalink written by  edoyle on February 18, 2011 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: World Cruise

Porky pies!

Well, Chris and I can now admit that we told a few little porky pies... We had originally thought that we would spend 3 weeks discovering Thailand, relaxing on a beach, book in one hand and a icy cold drink in the other, but we decided to skip this at the last minute and head home. Three...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on September 25, 2009 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

3 days to go

Well 3 days left and we are pretty much ready... I think.. we still don't have any pounds but we are pretty much packed. Been flat out catching up with everybody and have had some really good nights with friends over the last week. We are feeling a little bit sad at the concept of leaving...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on April 2, 2009 from Hobart, Australia
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

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