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Kalbarri National Park

Nach ca. 500 Km sind wir im Kalbarri National Park angekommen. Dort machten wir einen Walk von 10 Km um die "naturgeschaffenen Fenster" zu sehen. Hitze machte uns das Wandern schwer und Fliegen machten es fast unertraeglich! Ein staendiges Sirren, manchmal Lauter manchmal leiser, manchmal extrem...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on April 1, 2011 from Kalbarri, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

natures window

'Natures Window' sehr schoen :) besonders schoen ist, dass hier an der westkueste kein mensch ist... waere dieses hier an der ostkueste, wuerde es voll menschenueberfuellt sein, es waere eine krasse touristenattraktion und wuerde geld kosten... und hier ist einfach keiner :) es faengt...

permalink written by  Alex & Magda on March 29, 2010 from Kalbarri, Australia
from the travel blog: visiting the World

Up/Down the Coral Coast Part 2

Well, after that little cliff-hanger Ollie left you off with, you’ve probably been itching to know what happened next. It kind of reminds me of that season-end cliff-hanger they left us with on Friends, when at the alter with Emily, Ross said “I take you, Rachel.” You’ve probably already guessed...

permalink written by  olliejohnson on July 6, 2007 from Kalbarri, Australia
from the travel blog: A Brit and a Canuck Down Under

West Coast Mission: Day 5

After we'd kept the entire camp up all night wailing along to London Underground and singing Irish songs we thought we should make a quick exit the next day before we got lynched, especially as everyone would be up early on account of the hoards of galahs sat on the telephone wires over the road...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on May 6, 2007 from Kalbarri, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

West Coast Mission: Day 4

It is compulsory whilst doing the West Coast to visit Kalbarri National Park, failure to do so will result in being mocked and ridiculed by your peers and people will point and laugh at you in the street so we duly pulled off the highway and followed the loop that runs through the town of...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on May 5, 2007 from Kalbarri, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

Up the west Coast !!

As we head up the coast towards Kalbarri, looking at it on the map..looks like you'd be there in a couple of hours but its over 6 hours later that the convoy rolls into town after one burst tyre and several service stations later ! We set up camp at a beach front campsite, really nice place,...

permalink written by  tomrendell on November 19, 2006 from Kalbarri, Australia
from the travel blog: Western Australia !!!

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