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The Preparation

We are five days away from leaving on a big jet plane to Africa. This time we are taking Craig's parents Tracy and Bruno and his younger brother Marc with us.. We thought we might need some big cat bait!! Over the last couple of months in preparation for our volunteering stint in Zambia we...

permalink written by  craigandcorrine on October 13, 2011 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: Cape to Kruger and a Waterfall

From 40 degrees to 5 degrees... ouch

The pilot announced that it was 5 degrees in Perth just before we landed. Not ideal wearing shorts and t-shirts… We had no idea it would be that cold! We stupidly thought it would be nice and toasty! As we declared our Kampot Pepper and spices, we thought that being honest would save us...

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 24, 2011 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly Down Under

Bye SE Asia blog... off to Australia!!!!

It is our last day now in KL for I don’t know how long. Would love to go back again, and to be honest, pretty damn sure we will. Christina and Michael are like family to us now and once again we spent the day with them. Went out for breakfast at Imbi market, the place where I painfully got...

permalink written by  chrischarly on September 23, 2011 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's Passage through SE Asia


Da bin ich wieder. :-) Ich habe Melbourne Ende Maerz verlassen und ein Flugzeug hat mich in den Westen nach Perth geflogen. Dort habe ich noch einmal Gebrauch von Couchsurfing gemacht und verbrachte 3 Tage mit der Studentin Jervynna. Zusammen mit anderen Couchsurfern sind wir essen gegangen...

permalink written by  Chrizzy on March 30, 2011 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: Australien und Neuseeland

Day 3... More Perth...

My third day in Perth and in the glamorous establishment above, and not a great deal was achieved during daylight hours. In the evening I had plans to meet Scotty, Junko, Damo and Naoko, so a mini Japan reunion and I was excited about that. Scotty called me to discuss meeting up about 3...

permalink written by  Big_T on June 3, 2010 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: World Cup

Day 2... The Trek to Fremantle...

Woke up at 7:00 am... This jet lag is killing me... Had a shower and went down to breakfast... Standard breakfast buffet fare, rubbery poached eggs, cold sausages, toast, cereal etc. awesome... Loved it... Went back upstairs to tidy up, grab my stuff and head out... Grabbed the sign on the...

permalink written by  Big_T on June 2, 2010 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: World Cup

Day 1... and so it begins...

If anyone hasn't done it or been here, you can get a fair idea of how big this country is by flying across it. Melbourne to Perth is the shortest route from east coast to west coast of Australia between major cities. Almost 4 hours of flying and still within the same country. Got in my seat...

permalink written by  Big_T on June 1, 2010 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: World Cup

3400 Kilometer spaeter...

Nach 4 Tagen Autofahrt und 3450 Km sind wir Freitagabend endlich in Perth angekommen. Hier wurden wir von Adrian, einem Freund von Jess, den wir letztes Wochenende kennengelernt haben, eingeladen, bei ihm und seinem Bruder zu wohnen. Die beiden haben echt ein krasses Haus, sind mega nett und...

permalink written by  Alex & Magda on March 12, 2010 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: visiting the World

Perth..viruses, theft and lost time

Australia! A continent that has its own way of doing everything: The animals, plants and customs are different here than anywhere in the world. They have marsupials, the outback aaannd they put Vegemite on toast. Now if anyone has ever tasted Vegemite, you might agree that putting it...

permalink written by  ECRadventure on December 19, 2009 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: ECRadventure's Travel Blog

It is time to go..... Craig and Corrine (Almost)

Hello to everyone (Probably just the one or two who are reading this) We have had our Bon Voyage Party, check out some of the photos below. We are all packed - well almost. We jet off tomorrow morning just after 11am to what looks like is going to be drizzly South African weather. We...

permalink written by  craigandcorrine on December 4, 2009 from Perth, Australia
from the travel blog: World Tour

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