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Rockhampton here we come!

We will be here sometime!

permalink written by  auswind on August 25, 2010 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: Auswind

Quick Stop

coming Soon

permalink written by  Ben Garside on June 8, 2009 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: Oz 2009

Big Things #35

Rockhampton in Queensland, the beef capital of Australia. In case you weren't aware of this fact when you rocked up and were welcomed by this over sized steak.

permalink written by  Koala Bear on November 12, 2007 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

Obligatory East Coast Adventure: Day 11

Stiiiiill pissing it down so we gave the National Park a miss this time because trees and soil are only fun in the sunshine and carried on towards Rockhampton and the Olsen Capricorn Caves so called because a bloke called Olsen discovered them and they're right near the Tropic Of Capricorn. Just...

permalink written by  Koala Bear on November 9, 2007 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: Sod Off Great Big Mission Round Oz

The computer is fixed

The computer is now fixed and they put it to good use by watching a $2.00 movie that Caitlin had picked up in a bargain box which was when they get off Gilligans Island. It was a very poor movie but they perservered until the end, I gave up and went to bed. We will be leaving Rockhampton...

permalink written by  michelle62 on June 5, 2007 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: Travelling around Australia


We walked into town for our Sunday lunch but surprisingly everything was closed. We did have subway (Riley's Choice) and walked all over the town but there was not alot to see. We will have to come back tomorrow when there is more action. The show is following us, it is In Rockhampton for the...

permalink written by  michelle62 on June 3, 2007 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: Travelling around Australia

Kroombit Cattle Ranch

Another early morning departure from Hervey Bay and our destination today was Kroombit Cattle Station where we had some fun and games prepared for us. After 3 days bouncing up and down like an idiot in the back of a 4x4 the bus was a pleasant change and time to chill out for a bit and take in...

permalink written by  The Hulk on December 11, 2006 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: The Hulk goes Down Under!

radical dude!!!! and all that jazz (ooommmmmmm)

what a day of delightlful doing of stuff.. we are now in a beautiful town on 1770. is tiny and there are a lot of people who have both eyes and there enitire family close together. is dead chilled though and we thought it time to get off (rather large) arses and start doing things again...

permalink written by  lynds-n-kat on December 5, 2006 from Rockhampton, Australia
from the travel blog: Lynds and Kats red-carpet-tour of Australia

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