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san Francisco day 10

San Francisco, United States

I don't know where to start here, but can jump to the scene where I followed Hollie to complete her halloween shopping. Guess what she is gonna be? hm.. I doubt that you guessed right. You probably were thinking: Clown, well, you're all wrong buddy. She is going to be... maybe you should wait and see. I think I'm going to keep that for myself until after halloween. But the crazy thing about halloween is that we went to this halloween store and there were actually a long line by The Entrance, I mean, come on. I felt a fake dizzyness of drunkness in my head cause this reminded me of a line to a club. Déja vu anyone? We went from there and to a place called chachacha, not the same from day 1, but another one. We had sangria and tapas, Holle introduced me to her favorite 2 things. and it was damn good. We then got picked up by Brad Olsen, one of the beach guys, he is the guy who tried aquivit with Hollie. We then went to the beach where we hooked up with the rest of the beach boys. there were a big fire, weed, alcohol and off course a guitar. We decided to tell a horror story where one starts and goes on for 30 seconds and the next takes off from there. It was funny. I filmed it without getting any sound. That was a shame. We all decided to go to a bar and I totally blacked out, well almost. Hollie and I were pretty drunk. We went to her place where I fell asleep on the couch.

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 31, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San Francisco day 11

San Francisco, United States

I woke up on the couch not knowing where I were at first. My head felt like empty. I had to really take a deep breath before I realized I had couch surfed at hollies. Hollie came in the livingroom and made me a delicious cup of Chai Latte, and a bowl of fruit, soy yoghurt and müsli. It was heavenly delicious. I went back to the hostel cause I needed to charge the batteries for the camera. Nikita called me and asked if we could meet. I met her and Becky (I will refer them as "the british girls"). Anyway we hooked up, had a coffee and brainstormed on a few projects. We parted real quick cause all of us was kinda busy. I went back to the hostel and charged the last battery. Hollie picked me up and I was suppose to go to this bookstore where she was going to have a reading. She chose to read a scene from one of her porn scripts. Her boss from the magasine "girls and corpses" were also there and did a reading. There were other people performing, like one group made this piece called "sleezy hollow" I think but it kinda looked stupid, the kind of an amateur play. But in a way it was cool, I had necer seen anything like it. The most interesting bout this evening was Hollies costume. She was dressed up as a clown with the craziest wig ever. Imagine Marge Simpson hair but instead of blue it is green, now take that long marge simpso hair and make it an afro, green that is...
Hollie did it again :)

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 31, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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Video 4

San Francisco, United States


permalink written by  Lamignan on October 30, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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Video 3

San Francisco, United States

Check this out... really


permalink written by  Lamignan on October 29, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San Francisco day 9

San Francisco, United States

I hooked up with Zach Bardon on couchsurfing.com, What he is doing is that he travels around the U.S and making music with all kinds of musicians. He asked if there were someone in the San Francisco area, so I contacted him. He had a song ready for me to rap on. I wrote some Norwegian lyrics about traveling and sex and rapped in Norwegian. He though it was pretty cool. Other than that I just phoned people around about different interviews, trying to keep a track of time. While telephoning to people, this homeless guy came and said he was a stand-up comedian. I was curious and asked him to do one of his jokes.
It went like this:
"- Do you know why O.J tattooed a picture of his wife? the homeless guy asked
- No! I responded after thinking for a few seconds
- Like that he can beat her in jail."

I offered this man 10 USD if I could do an interview with him and if he could do a stand up routine, so I might meet him on my 10th day (I lost track of days, don't really know what day my 10th day is...)

So I guess by telephoning people, you meet interesting homeless people...

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 29, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San Francisco day 7

San Francisco, United States

Today was kinda cool, Nikita and I went for a long walk talking about everything from arts to consperacy theories. We passed through the real China town. Not the tourist one, but the part of C.T where you can get dinner for 3.50 USD and still don't get sick. We found a park in little Italy and sat there and chattet for a while, planing projects together. Oh for those who don't know Nikita, I guess I mentioned her earlier in the blog, she is a british artist that is doing her assignment her in San fran, just like me in a way.. We were hanging out waiting for this artist to call us, but he never did. I wrote a mail to this legal sex-club and asked if I could come over and do an interview and if they could give me a tour.
Well that was my sunday.

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 28, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San Francisco day 8

San Francisco, United States

For some reason, the last few days has been not that interesting writing cause nothing really happened. I feel like I have to do something wild (could be a new movie David goes wild) in order to keep entertaining my fellow blog readers, cause lets face it. This is the best blog out there, Imma funny muthafucka right?. Anyways back to my day, So much happened today and I got to film most of it. Like there is this guy who stands on the beginning of Powel Street with this crazy sign that basically say: "Stop having sex, stop with your whoring cause you will then go to hell". I think it said that Jesus will punish you or something. It was crazy cause he was arguing with 1 religious group that said that Jesus will forgive and everything, and then a 3rd guy came over and were a part of the argue, what the hell, I might as just upload the film so you can see for yourself. I took the BART (train, underground or whatever) to mission 24th, and I went there to film the graffiti on the wall, suddenly this guy came and started talking to me about the walls. He asked me where I was from and he started talking about the History of Norway and russia etc. I will upload clips from that segment to. But while we were like talking this young guy came on skateboard and he was a graffiti artist. So in a way, one of my side project will be about the graffiti scene in San Francisco.
Hollie came back to town so I went to her place and hung out. We then went out to a bar and hung with D.Scott. It was kinda funny, I met this young rapper and as we talked it turned out to be Fillmore Slims son. That was kinda cool. We agreed to do an interview but he wouldn't give me his number, but he saved mine. I hope that he will contact me. Cause the Graffiti part could be a great film to exhibit with the bay area hip hop community film. And even greater would be if I could do a segment with Fillmore Slim (He is an ex-american pimp, Snoop Dogg is going to be playing the role of Fillmore Slim in his next movie. If you still don't know who he is, google him or rent American Pimp). We then went from that bar to the ChaChaCha, but it was closed, so we went to a bar around the corner, a bar called delirium. It was a blast. I came up with this sick theory that Darius has plans for all of us. I mean I make video art, Hollie Stevens is in the Porn industry and D.Scott is a writer... and we all know Darius... does it make any sense? And another thing is that I met Darius and he hooked me up with Hollie, I also met D.Scott through Darius. And we found out that we formed a D (triangle) when we stood at the bars. Hm maybe Darius has like evil plans for us, Like he is Charlie and we're his angels, What is our next ass ignment Darius? ... We ended the night around 1 a.m.

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 28, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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Video 2

San Francisco, United States


permalink written by  Lamignan on October 25, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San Francisco day 6

San Francisco, United States

To keep this one pretty short, nothing really happened. I went and did a big tour all by myself and found some awesome spots that I will shoot tomorrow.. I found a pimp store and I bought myself a pink dress. I am now going out with some of my hostel friends and see where the night takes us. Will update tomorrow morning.

Update: We ended up at a bar and were all really drunk ( If you don't like my work ethics then fuck you... :P )

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 25, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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San Francisco day 5

San Francisco, United States

On day 5, nothing really happened until 6 30 p.m. Before that I wrote blog and edited video. But I met up with Mari, a good friend of mine from Norway. We was going to go to a concert, I never remember the name but there was me and one more black guy at the spot, so it speaks for itself. The rest of the crowd looked like weed smokin hippies. Before the concert we went and ate Chicago style pizza pie. It was pretty good but I only had 1 piece of the pie. We discussed a lot about my project about what I will mention in the blog when the time is right. So keep reading my blog and you will know what the hell I am doing here. Anyways one of Maris friends, a girl by the name Cathrine, is an Norwegian reporter for a news paper called "Dagbladet". That is probably one of the most sold newspapers in Norway. She though my project would be good for the newspaper. So we have to see how that goes. But back to the concert. We went there and the whole arena smelled like weed. There were 3 bands playing all together. I guess we can call the style indie rock or alternative rock or something. My problem was that I was sooo tired that this kind of music didn't really help on my mood. I literally fell asleep standing a few times. You probably think : "how is that even possible"? Well imagine that you are sitting in a chair and you suddenly dip of and you kinda get electro shocked before you open your eyes again. When that happen you don't really put your whole body to sleep, I mean you're still sitting up while your dipping off. I guess it is the same thing but instead for sitting I was standing. I went home round midnight and totally fell asleep right away.
So it was kind of a boring day, but at the same time very interesting. It was so nice meeting Mari again, and her friends were totally cool. (even though we all were kind of tired.). It was one of those bizzarre nights.

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 25, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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