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san Francisco day 10

San Francisco, United States

I don't know where to start here, but can jump to the scene where I followed Hollie to complete her halloween shopping. Guess what she is gonna be? hm.. I doubt that you guessed right. You probably were thinking: Clown, well, you're all wrong buddy. She is going to be... maybe you should wait and see. I think I'm going to keep that for myself until after halloween. But the crazy thing about halloween is that we went to this halloween store and there were actually a long line by The Entrance, I mean, come on. I felt a fake dizzyness of drunkness in my head cause this reminded me of a line to a club. Déja vu anyone? We went from there and to a place called chachacha, not the same from day 1, but another one. We had sangria and tapas, Holle introduced me to her favorite 2 things. and it was damn good. We then got picked up by Brad Olsen, one of the beach guys, he is the guy who tried aquivit with Hollie. We then went to the beach where we hooked up with the rest of the beach boys. there were a big fire, weed, alcohol and off course a guitar. We decided to tell a horror story where one starts and goes on for 30 seconds and the next takes off from there. It was funny. I filmed it without getting any sound. That was a shame. We all decided to go to a bar and I totally blacked out, well almost. Hollie and I were pretty drunk. We went to her place where I fell asleep on the couch.

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 31, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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