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San Francisco day 11

San Francisco, United States

I woke up on the couch not knowing where I were at first. My head felt like empty. I had to really take a deep breath before I realized I had couch surfed at hollies. Hollie came in the livingroom and made me a delicious cup of Chai Latte, and a bowl of fruit, soy yoghurt and müsli. It was heavenly delicious. I went back to the hostel cause I needed to charge the batteries for the camera. Nikita called me and asked if we could meet. I met her and Becky (I will refer them as "the british girls"). Anyway we hooked up, had a coffee and brainstormed on a few projects. We parted real quick cause all of us was kinda busy. I went back to the hostel and charged the last battery. Hollie picked me up and I was suppose to go to this bookstore where she was going to have a reading. She chose to read a scene from one of her porn scripts. Her boss from the magasine "girls and corpses" were also there and did a reading. There were other people performing, like one group made this piece called "sleezy hollow" I think but it kinda looked stupid, the kind of an amateur play. But in a way it was cool, I had necer seen anything like it. The most interesting bout this evening was Hollies costume. She was dressed up as a clown with the craziest wig ever. Imagine Marge Simpson hair but instead of blue it is green, now take that long marge simpso hair and make it an afro, green that is...
Hollie did it again :)

permalink written by  Lamignan on October 31, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California
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