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Overland Trek Through Brazil

After the madness of Carnival, we had to decide the best way to get to Buenos Aires by 22 February - either head to the northern beaches and endure an excessive number of flights, or choose the mammoth overland option south. We decided to take the scenic overland option with the first stop in...

permalink written by  Sean, Karl & Dan on February 16, 2008 from Porto Seguro, Brazil
from the travel blog: Around the world in 180 days...

First portugese landfall in brazil

Alright! So we are on our way to Salvador de Bahia. we just have a few stops to make along the way. Right now we are in Porto Seguro. The place where the portugese first put foot on brazilian soil and started converting natives(well done by the way, they were only bloody savages...

permalink written by  agnesola on July 4, 2007 from Porto Seguro, Brazil
from the travel blog: Baby and Baby's around the world travel...

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