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Five on a bus

Palled [pal-ed?] up with a gang of other solo travelers to bus to Bai Xia, rent bikes and explore the villages & remote temples. Once in Bai Xia, a quaint little village with many shops selling Chinese handicrafts and antiques [making me feel like I was in Beijing at the Dirt Market] we hunted...

permalink written by  prrrrl on March 4, 2012 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: Yunnan, China

Frying pan into the fire Frying pan into the fire

Going to Lijiang to escape Beijing's bitter cold winter is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Or rather like jumping from the refrigerator into the freezer. No central heating anywhere! It's COLD at night here. The night was saved, however, by a heated mattress pad. Cozy! Can...

permalink written by  prrrrl on March 1, 2012 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: Yunnan, China

Rat in maze test 1: FAIL!

Lijiang's Old Town is a maze of narrow curving alleys criss-crossing up a River bank. I'm dropped off at the edge and told to go down then turn left. It's 9:30 in the evening and very dark. Hmmm... I had picked the Panba Hostel for several reasons, one being that it was one of the few...

permalink written by  prrrrl on March 1, 2012 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: Yunnan, China

Rat in maze test 2: SUCCESS!

Eat a hostel breakfast? Not if I can help it. Bad American food is not my idea of a fun time. I took off through the alleys and to stay returnable to my cozy mattress pad, I decided to go straight. That went through the market square, clear across Old Town to a tri-belief temple turned...

permalink written by  prrrrl on March 1, 2012 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: Yunnan, China

Lijiang & Tiger Leaping Gorge

One of the main reasons we visited Lijiang was it was here where we could organise our next trip to the 'Tiger Leaping Gorge' (more about this in a bit!) however it was another great ancient city where we whiled away the hours meandering the streets, checking out the market stalls & generally...

permalink written by  mich_and_dan_moors on August 3, 2011 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: mich_and_dan_moors's Travel Blog

Made in China... broken then?

Hello everyone! Hope you're well. Time for me to write my first messij in about a month, I hope it does the trick. The past fortnight has seen us change our plans more often than we've changed underwear (completely true). We had a few lazy days in the south of Hainan island, sleeping on...

permalink written by  harripix on January 10, 2011 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: harripix's Travel Blog

ca va biennnn IENN enn ennnn, dans le Yunnan, ca va biennnn (sur l'air de Julie Masse..ou Katlheen)

Bonjour a tous! desoler pour le mutisme des derniers jours! Il est vraiment difficile de trouver un acces internet digne de ce nom ou l'on peut downloader nos photos...Comme vous avez peut etre vu, nous avons reussit a ajouter quelques photos, mais beaucoup n'ont pas fonctionner, et ca a...

permalink written by  Guiless on July 11, 2009 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: Asie du Sud Est par Isa et Guillaume

back to lijiang

back to lijiang

permalink written by  wherearesteveandlisa on April 29, 2009 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: wherearesteveandlisa's Travel Blog


bus to lijang

permalink written by  wherearesteveandlisa on April 24, 2009 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: wherearesteveandlisa's Travel Blog

Climb every mountain

Lijiang is beautiful. It's like a picture postcard Chinese town, nestled in the mountains with streams coming straight down off the mountain and running through the maze of cobbled streets, lined with traditional craft shops, guesthouses and Chinese and Tibetan restaurants. We're staying in a...

permalink written by  phileasdogg on November 8, 2008 from Lijiang, China
from the travel blog: Planes, Trains & Taxiwallahs

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