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Liaoning, 2013
Beijing, 2010 or Liaoning, 2013. They are appear to be mixed up!
Beijing 2011
Yunnan, China
Beijing I, 2012
China 2009
Beijing 2015
Beijing 2012 II

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Beijing, China

Pajamas are comfy. Pajamas have pretty prints. Pajamas are now everyday men's wear. I see a man in pjs walking down the street just about everyday here. They are not chasing a ((burger)) ((Butler)) ((their)) thief. They are not fleeing a burning building. They are not fetching the morning paper. They are just going about their everyday business in a ((precollegiate)) precoodinated outfit.

permalink written by  prrrrl on May 3, 2015 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing 2015
tagged Pajamas

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tired but speaking

Beijing, China

(Comment on Instgram (prljan), or to tujan@yahoo.com, or to Blogabond.com (Prrrrl). Comments to FB cannot be seen behind the Bamboo Curtain!)
(Words in double parenthesis are courtesy of auto correct and left in for your amusement.)
I was extremely tired when I landed in Beijing Thursday afternoon. With an aching head I endured until 10pm, slept great and have no jet lag Friday. I don't have a good sense of time, however. First meal in China was my leftover snacks packed for the airport and mealless flight. So glad I ordered ((British)) vegetarian! The standard airplane food did not look appealing.
Hotel reception personnel are low on English skills. Since they know I can speak a little, they ((all)) ask me to use Chinese.

permalink written by  prrrrl on May 2, 2015 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing 2015
tagged China, Chinese and JetLag

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blog 3?

Beijing, China

Hotel reception personnel are low on English skills. Since they know I can speak a little, they ((all)) ask me to use Chinese.
My second meal in China was more leftovers. Gotta finish the perishables! And I did. Third meal in China wasa disappointment. Great, by my standards, ingredients (mushrooms, bean thread noodles, dried tofu, cabbage) but bland broth. Second meal, which I am just finishing now, was great: ((win)) squid, cauliflower, eggplant, Chinese chives, mushrooms and quail eggs on skewers.

permalink written by  prrrrl on May 2, 2015 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing 2015
tagged Food and Chinese

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blog 4?

Beijing, China

It was the wrong #2. There's a #2 bus that stops right ((infringe)) ((inferring)) in front of my hotel so when I saw a #2 bus pull up to the bus stop I thought I had it made. All this time I've been walking 4 blocks to the bus stop or subway. Because of the holiday on Friday the subway stop is closed ((over)) I've been taking the bus more. Buses are ssssssllllllooooowwwwweeeeerrrrr..... Especially past the zoo on a holiday ((when's)) weekend. I had the brilliant idea of taking the subway past the zoo then a bus to my station. Buses 4 & 2 showed up at the Sam time. #4 hours to my station four blocks from my hotel. Bus#2 sous in front of my hotel. Bus #2!!! Out did not so in front of my hotel. Apparently there are more than one route per number. :-/

permalink written by  prrrrl on May 2, 2015 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing 2015
tagged Idea and Fail

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Beijing, China

Today is communist labor day. Long slow lines into the zoo. I did not go to the zoo. I was riding the bus giving me a viewing Vantage point unavailable on the subway, the latter being partially closed today. Inconvenient for me! Buses are slower.

permalink written by  prrrrl on May 1, 2015 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing 2015
tagged Bus, Beijing, Subway, LaborDay and JanTu

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blog 2?

Beijing, China

I spent all of Friday thinking 'tomorrow is a ((comes)) Chinese holiday, everything will be closed. I am staying near Tienanmen ((Quarter)) ((quart)) Square,I should spend the day people watching there.' Well, I missed it. I spent the day getting documents laminated, finding and giving clothes that needed altering to a tailor, ((pasted)) paying bills online and shopping for dance accessories. After a tasty dinner of garlic sprouts, a favorite of mine but not ubiquitous - so I was pleasantly surprised to find them upon my first inquiry - I returned to my room to find out that today was the holiday. ((Is)) Oops! No wonder the line at the zoo was so thick, long and slow!

permalink written by  prrrrl on May 1, 2015 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing 2015
tagged Holiday, Oops and PeopleWatching

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Where white cats are gray

Beijing, China

The drum Tower hostel has a very laid back resident mouser. It should be a black and white cat but not in smoggy, dusty beijing. It's black and several shades if gray. Can cats get smog balls?

permalink written by  prrrrl on October 7, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Dirt, Cat and FutileGrooming

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Not dining alone

Beijing, China

Ah! The pick your own restaurant! A refrigerator case with baskets of veggies, meats, mushrooms and organ meats on skewers makes it easy to get what you want. I went for almost one of each veggies, tofu skin, fish and shrimp balls and a couple mushrooms. Once I fill my basket I give it to the cook and he/she (though I've never seen a 'she') boils it for me. My cooked selections are brought to the table with a sesame dipping sauce. Hot pot made easy! Though this qualifies as a hole in the wall establishment they have nice mostly matching china and elaborate embroideries under the glass table top. The waiter brought me complimentary just boiled tea (and yet another compliment on how good my Chinese is). So nice! Then another visitor dropped in - a cock roach fell, feet up, between my tea cup and the bowl of dipping sauce. The supine position gave me time to select a napkin to squash it with. The tea being so pleasant, I've extended my stay so I can enjoy it at a drinkable temperature. Cock roach, schmock roach - I'm enjoying myself

permalink written by  prrrrl on October 7, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged UninvitedGuest, RelaxingLunch and FreeTea

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Sitting Pretty and Not Loving It

Beijing, China

Before moving to China I read an observer's assessment that the Chinese could not make a comfortable chair. So true! I'm currently dining at a restaurant with great atmosphere but clumsy furniture. The decorative wooden drop frame means I can hardly pull up to the table as my legs can barely fit under. The cross bars on the front of the chair just two inches from the floor mean I can not pull my heels back in order to let my thighs drop giving me more clearance under the drop frame. Pretty, yes. Practical, no.

I did not pick this restaurant for the ambience but for the street view. When dining solo people watching is fun.

permalink written by  prrrrl on October 6, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing, 2010 or Liaoning, 2013. They are appear to be mixed up!
tagged Furniture, Discomfort and Ambience

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Beijing, China

I just got body-slammed trying to get off the subway car. There is no sense of letting exitors go first on subways or elevators. People rushing in/on might block one's egress so aggressiveness is common.

permalink written by  prrrrl on October 6, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Beijing, 2010 or Liaoning, 2013. They are appear to be mixed up!
tagged Subway, Etiquette and Pushiness

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