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My Fault!

It would have been my fault. I would have rear-ended the car in front of me. The thing is, I wasn't driving. I was walking. The traffic was so bad the cars had taken over the bike lane. The "parking lot" was the side walk. So where do I stroll? I'm walking in the bike lane, distracted. I...

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 26, 2013 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013

I amuse easily

Cities in China can be very crowded. Qing palaces on holidays can be crazy crowded. How to not get separated from your travel buddy? "Marco!" And I wait for the, "Polo!" How appropriate to play that in China! And I find that highly amusing. (The Mukden Palace is a smaller but beautiful...

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013

I amuse easily

Cities in China can be very crowded. Qing palaces on holidays can be crazy crowded. How to not get separated from your travel buddy? "Marco!" And I wait for the, "Polo!" How appropriate to play that in China! And I find that highly amusing. (The Mukden Palace is a smaller but beautiful...

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013

Last Blog entry in China! :(

Well, We had the Christmas party and I dressed up as Santa - it was pretty humiliating, but also alot of fun! As it was snowing I didn't have to climb through the windows in the end - thank God!! My buddy Mr Young has made a video for me so you can all see it when I get home! Unfortunatly I...

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on December 23, 2007 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months

The end is nigh!!

Well, the last week or so has been a bit of a blur, tying up as many loose ends as possible before its time to leave. After a huge amount of dicussion we have finally agreed that my last day of teaching will be Thursday 27th of December. I have now booked my bus tickets (train tickets cant be...

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on December 11, 2007 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months

English Competition

So, I don't feel like I have alot to report since my last entry, and as it would be pretty risky putting the details of the the one exciting/dangerous thing that happened to me last week( involving Magic ants and the Chinese Police!!!!), you wll have to wait till I get home for that story!!!...

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on November 29, 2007 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months

Winter is here!

So, winter is officially here! it's averaging around minus 12 during the day and as low as minus 16 at night & early morning. There is currently about 6 inches of snow outside and all hell is breaking loose! The roads are not salted and the snow is crushed to form an inch thick layer of ice on...

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on November 19, 2007 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months

Snow, Rats & The Art School

After my appearance at the Art School for the Senators visit a few weeks back I was asked to go back there and teach once a week. It is part of the same group as the Kindergarten and I now teach 2 lessons a week every Friday from 2pm - 4pm. I don't get paid any extra, but it's a refreshing...

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on November 8, 2007 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months

Corporal Punishment

Every counrty in the world (Apart from The US & Australia) prohibits School Corporal Punshment. China's official Propaganda line has alwasys been that all forms of Corporal Punishment in Schools was swept away by the 1949 communist revolution. Since my time in China it is obvious that this is...

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on November 6, 2007 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months

Pissing, Hocking & Cockroaches!

Reading through my Blog I have realised that I have missed out alot of what I have learnt about China and the Chinese culture since I have been here. It's little things that slowly become the norm after a while, and I forget that when I first witnessed the things to follow I was a little...

permalink written by  emmarogers85 on October 30, 2007 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Teach and Travel China - 6 Months

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