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Liaoning, 2013

a travel blog by prrrrl

Musings, events, observations and (mis-)adventures of a travel-holic fleaing the summer heat of Beijing. Daring RJ was brave enough to come along on the 'seat of your pants flying' ride!
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In no particular order... Today's events

Beijing, China

Why do we take pictures? To remember an event? To document atrocities? To sustain awe of beauty? Why did the fluent English-speaking Chinese gentleman clandestinely take mine after helping me decipher which subway stop would bring me close to the wholesale tea market? Surely with his language skills he had talked to foreigners before. If only he had silenced his smart phone I would have never known.

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Tea, Pictures, Photo, English, Documentation and Clandestine

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When not to discuss WWII?

Beijing, China

I had a nice discussion with my two hostel roommates on various China travel destinations. They brought up Japanese atrocities against the Chinese. I brought up how the US ended WWII. Oops! They're German.

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged War, Roommates, WWII, Germans and Atrocities

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I amuse easily

Shenyang, China

Cities in China can be very crowded. Qing palaces on holidays can be crazy crowded. How to not get separated from your travel buddy? "Marco!" And I wait for the, "Polo!" How appropriate to play that in China! And I find that highly amusing.

(The Mukden Palace is a smaller but beautiful complex of buildings with not only dragons for decoration but wonderful cranes, too.)

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Marco, Mukden and Amused

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I amuse easily

Shenyang, China

Cities in China can be very crowded. Qing palaces on holidays can be crazy crowded. How to not get separated from your travel buddy? "Marco!" And I wait for the, "Polo!" How appropriate to play that in China! And I find that highly amusing.

(The Mukden Palace is a smaller but beautiful complex of buildings with not only dragons for decoration but wonderful cranes, too.)

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Marco, Mukden and Amused

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Not From Your Chopsticks, I Won't!

Beijing, China

Free taro! The hostel sells bottled water for 5 quai. The convenience stall just steps away sells the same for 3 quai. I'm accustomed to speaking Chinese when shopping so even though the people ther know sufficient English to sell to us White Ghost, they'll speak Chinese with me. The old lady gets a kick out of the fact that I can speak her language, so much so that this morning when buying my day's h2o supply she offered me pickled vegetables from her bowl with her chopsticks. Um... I waved the offering off. But then she offered me a whole, unbitten taro root. That I happily accepted with much gratitude. It was the size of an egg - a good sampling size. I like tubers.

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Chinese, Water, Breakfast, Tuber and Taro

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Priceless scene!

Beijing, China

The child had run into traffic of the foot kind in the very crowded morning market. Vegetables, fruits, dentistry, clothing, fabrics, cookware, goldfish, salted fish, dried fish, fresh fish, breakfast, socks, gloves, hair pins, shoes and much more being hawked in the narrow alley. The mother reached out to pull her young one from trampling danger. The feet the child had run in front of? A tall white ghost [caucasian], an uncommon sight in these parts. The mom glanced up, her eyes widened in amazement. Or was it amusement? She half smiled. Child was safe. White ghost moved on.

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Traffic, Child, Ghost and MorningMarket

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I'll take the one at the back, please.

Beijing, China

I was once surrounded by a dozen water vendors. The ones that pressed in close were animated and loud, waving the bottles in our faces. The ones at the back were quiet. I chose a vender at the back. Succumbing to the pushy tactics breeds more pushiness. It's like rewarding a puppy when they are well behaved rather than punishing them when they are naughty. On a similar note, I like to find the shop that is out of the way and not on the main drag. Those back shops appreciate their customers, are friendlier and tend to give better prices.

Yesterday I learned there was a wholesale tea market. How did I not already know that?? Even with a time crunch of having to get my buddy to the airport, I made a side trip to the tea market. The shop I selected was the last one behind down a short alley and not even visable from the street. The two women were very friendly and poured me lots of tea. I bought $100 worth of tea! It's enough to last me a while, though. It's definitely a neighborhood & shop I'll be returning to.

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 25, 2013 from Beijing, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Tea, Wholesale, Vendors, Friendly, Pushy and Reward

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My Fault!

Shenyang, China

It would have been my fault. I would have rear-ended the car in front of me. The thing is, I wasn't driving. I was walking. The traffic was so bad the cars had taken over the bike lane. The "parking lot" was the side walk. So where do I stroll? I'm walking in the bike lane, distracted. I look up just in time to not walk into the car in front of me. Ssssllllooowwww traffic!

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 26, 2013 from Shenyang, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Traffic, Walking, BikeLane and RearEnded

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Hiqh Quality

Xingcheng, China

"Please be careful to wet up and down steep slopes," read the sign. Chinglish at it very best!

[Sign posted at the entry ramp to the ancient city wall of Xingcheng, one of only four remaining Ming Dynasty walled cities.]

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 26, 2013 from Xingcheng, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Chinglish, Wall and Wet

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Spider Wall

Xingcheng, China

I was so excited to see large argiope spiders in three consecutive battlements of the Ming Dynasty wall! I took many close up pictures! Then I kept walking... and counting... and there were about 20 consecutive battlements with argiope spiders. Must be favorable winds facing south. Spider Row!

permalink written by  prrrrl on September 26, 2013 from Xingcheng, China
from the travel blog: Liaoning, 2013
tagged Spider, Argiope and Battlements

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