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Walking the Plank in the Rio Dulce

Fronteras, Guatemala

Happy New Year, Everyone! We have been back on the boat in the Rio Dulce, Guatemala since December 13, 2009. The boat was in great shape when we arrived, with 12 coats of new varnish on the outside of the boat and much of the interior revarnished. The marina had also cleaned the decks as wellas they were able given all the stuff stored on board and the inside of the boat had also been wiped down. However, we still had lots to do to put the boat back to sailing condition and most days you just can't work in the afternoon heat! Time has flown by as we readied the boat and provisioned to head on for further adventures.

On the bus ride from Guatemala City to the Rio Dulce we saw the evidence of the draught we had been hearing about. The hills in some places were grey and brown and many mountain streams were empaty, which is very unusual for lush, green Guatemala. Even along the RIO DOLCE there were complaints about the lack of rain for the new corn crops that had recently been planted. However, it has rained alot since we arrived and the crisis seems to be easing. The hillsides are once again green and the streams from the mountains are flowing again.

Here at Captain John's Marina we are med moored ( an anchor out the front then backed to the dock) and this requires us to walk across a board to get onto the boat. Negotiating this arrangement several times a day will definitely improve your balance! I am proud to say that I have not lost my balance ever!

At Christmas we went to Casa Gutemala, an orphange school, to help with preparations for their big dinner and the Santa Claus Parade. Now this is not like most Santa parades because Santa travels by launcha over the water and the kids actually get their gifts when he arrives at the Casa. We helped with food preparation, costumes and decorations and of course sang and played with the kids! And dinner for the kids and staff was turkey, potatoes, gravy, cranberries and special cake with fruit for dessert with Tomales as the before dinner treat!

We attended a Christmas dinner with other cruisers that was really excellent! Everyone had a great time! Then for New Year's we went to a party at yet another Marina! You have never seen the likes of the fireworks! Everyplace here has fireworks so there were fireworks all up and down the river both Christmas eve and New Year's Eve! What a sight!
This was definitely the noisiest Christmas and New Year we have ever experienced!

On Monday, we plan to be in Livingston which is 26 miles down the river to the ocean where we will check out of Guatemala. Our plan is to sail to the Bay Islands of Honduras (Utila, Roatan, and Guanaja). The route could change depending on the weather, but we will either sail from Livingston headed for Roatan or do some hops along the northern coast of Honduras, day sailing our way to our destination.

permalink written by  bobandglennda on January 2, 2010 from Fronteras, Guatemala
from the travel blog: bobandglennda's Travel Blog
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bobandglennda bobandglennda
5 Trips
117 Photos

Bob and Glennda are sailing their Irwin 37' Sloop from Charlotte Harbor,Florida to the Rio Dolce,Guatemala looking for adventure and a way to help others as they travel.

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