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This Past Week

Nairobi, Kenya

Wednesday was our 1st meeting back at Woodly Cong. in Nairobi. Its Kyrans old hall and the one his parents attend. It was soooo great to see my friends again!! When i raised my hand to give a comment the brother smiled and said "Sister Potgieter". It was actually cool because it was the first time i heard it!! I'v been "Dada Kyran" this whole time :)

Thursday went to visit a friend in bethel, was good seeing her, i even got to do a color on her hair. She speaks spanish so she loves it when there is someone around who can carry on on a conversation in spanish! Actually at the meeting the night before there was a bro visiting from Spain and that was nice for us, he didnt speak any English or Swahili.

Yesterday Kyran and Peter were out and me and Sandra were home really bored. We ate went shopping and ate some more and still bored. Then she had this sudden urge to build something. She had some wood that she had brought back from the coast in Mombasa. So she got the sawing table and tools out and we made a picture frame. Its not quite done yet.

I thought i had skills being part of the RBC for several years, but here, man seems like im starting all over again. Im use to using nail guns, power drills, electric saws and so on..but they dont use Power Tools here. Everything is manual labor. If you want a 2x4 well, go cut your piece of wood and have it made first!! Even having been on the Mason crew i never had to CHOOSE a certain type of mud or dirt to mix, we just went to Home Depot or Lowes and bought it!!!

It's all such good experience!!

Tomorrow we have the Zone visit, i didnt know what that was at first. The Zone overseer is in charge of looking after the Bethel Homes and Missionaries. They had a special vist just for them today and tomorrow will have a special discourse for the public. It will be held at the same facility they use for Assemblys.

So, today we had the privilage to help clean the place. It was fun of course. Its nice doing spiritual activities like that with Kyran, im use to going with my sisters and friends from the hall but now we get to do things like that together :)AWW i know :)

Oh and speaking of manual labor, when the brothers were cutting the grass, they didnt use lawn mowers or weed eaters, but instead used these long knives with a curve at the end and went hacking away! They said they were just playing golf, but with grass! i will post the picture but its kind of blurred and from a far.

Later on i met up with a sister who iv kept in touch with, she had moved from Nairobi to another city a few hours away and was in town for the visit. Was really nice, we had lunch and then went over to another sisters house and stayed till 6ish. It was great catching up.

Anyways..that was my week. Next on the list, Apt Hunting!

Still enjoying my salsa n chips:)

Will write to you soon,


permalink written by  africandre on January 9, 2010 from Nairobi, Kenya
from the travel blog: Nairobi
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africandre africandre
6 Trips
137 Photos

Howdy yall!!

Although this is a travel blog this may be a permanent stay in Kenya!

I will update it when something exciting happens. Yes, i stole this idea from lil lisa's trip to Austrailia! Seems a lot easier to write it all down for you here than a million e mail's. :)


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