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Lots to do in the Rio Dulce

Fronteras, Guatemala

Those of you who know us well, know that we usually don't sit still for too long. Well, nothing has changed in that regard! Soon after our arrival, we took off on a Sunday afternoon for the hot pools at El Paraiso.

This meant getting into a collectivo for the half hour or so ride up into the hills. After much negotiation, we were on our way. The large van was very full, but still it stopped and more people got on, then more and more people, until there were two men on the roof and the ticket taker was hanging onto the roof ladder. I counted twenty-seven people (some children) in total.

Our mistake was to travel to a popular place on a Sunday when most llocal people are off work and travel to visit family. But would we really not want to have had the experience!!

Once at our destination, we walked into the park. The falls were a wonderful sight, with water cascading over the bathers already in the water.

Warm, no, HOT water flowed over us, relaxing us, as we swam up to the falls: pounding our heads and shoulders when we stood, and splashing our faces as we dove for the shelter of the overhanging cliff. Small fish nibbled on the toes of anyone who stayed put for any length of time. One even tried to eat a little of my knee cap! OUCH!! However, once you are moving again, they quickly move away.

Once again the beauty around us is astounding!

Dinner in the Jungle was Next!

Casa Perico is a restaurant up a tributary of the Rio Dulce River. It is a large two story palapa, with a number of outbuildings: dorms and cabins. Many backpackers stay at Casa Perico while they explore this part of Guatemala.

On Saturday evenings, the staff prepare a very special smorgasbord meal! Meat is often scarce in the Guatemalan diet, but at this meal there will be at least 5 kinds of meat!

While at Casa Perico, we met Captain John, his wife Elvira and all of the boaters who are planning to leave their boats at his marina for the summer. A retired boat captain (commercial) we feel the care of our boats will be superior! We have also seen the great care he takes of his won boat.

Elvira is known as the best varnisher on the Rio, so we are going to have her work on Island Girl II. We look forward to returning to a boat that looks much improved. The sun and salt water over the last 3 years has really done a number on the rub rails and toe rails.

permalink written by  bobandglennda on March 22, 2009 from Fronteras, Guatemala
from the travel blog: Sailing from Florida to Cenral America
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Previous: Up the Rio Dulce River to Fronteras Next: A Walk in the Jungle Canapy

bobandglennda bobandglennda
5 Trips
117 Photos

Bob and Glennda are sailing their Irwin 37' Sloop from Charlotte Harbor,Florida to the Rio Dolce,Guatemala looking for adventure and a way to help others as they travel.

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