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Denver, United States

Got the tickets -- $822 + tax/fees, into CDG and out of LHR. That's fantastic, since it means we won't have to pay extra to get back to one airport or the other. This was tickets on Friday 3/23, and I looked yesterday, and the base fare would now be $967.

Next steps: London hotel, EuroStar ticket, decision on what to do with our first couple of days in France.

permalink written by  spoons on March 27, 2007 from Denver, United States
from the travel blog: Off to France!
tagged Preparation and Planning

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Planning madness

Manchester, United Kingdom

We got the money, got the tickets and its all plans on deck! Flying to Hong Kong on the 3rd August, so lets all go and eat and drink before that to say bye! So far we have learnt:
- That the Chinese and Vietnamese and Hong Konganese want to charge you to get into any space that may be of vague interest to anyone including caves, parks, waterfalls and other such wonders of mother nature.
- We have also learnt that bedbugs are most visable at dawn, and that adult ones are 1/4 inch long.
- HSBC make money for Hong Kong and we feel rich because we have thousands of dollars!
- American money smells of playdough (though there is some debate as to whether this smell is actually crayon).
- The Chinese consulate has a big dip in the pavement near it which in the rain is dangerous as your foot can be completely submerged and soaked, this combined with the consulate being closed is heartbreaking.
- We could stay in peoples houses for free, but I (Laura) is scared (because she is scared of people).

Finally we have discovered that China is so mega massive that there is no way we could possibly see all of it in years let alone months, though we are going to the land that brought you Spring rolls and sweet and sour chicken (as far as most takeaways are concerned).

permalink written by  Mal and Laura on August 3, 2007 from Manchester, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: A bit of China and Vietnam
tagged China, HongKong, Planning, Manchester, Vietnam and Facts

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Waiting, waiting, waiting!!!

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Well, my name is Thábata, and I am 27 years old (I've just completed it). I am a graphic designer, and I'm getting my degree in architecture and urbanism by the end of the year now... actually, in some days.
I am doing a very nice project about sustainability... about the Philosophy of Sustainable Design, wich is a theme that I enjoy most of all.

Since it's my last year at the University (at least for now) and since I know I'll be working a lot next year (cause I want to, of course) then I decided that it was a nice time to travel again.

I have to tell that choosing USA to go was not something really planned. I just though of my childish dream of going to New York in Christmas season, and it was like that. And then I started planning (well, in fact I've been planning that since June).

Something really nice have happened though. It starts with a huge and amazing story (that I'll share some other day for sure!) in Firenze, Italy. About someone I met there and that, by the way, is american. Well, as soon as I told him I was coming I got a travel buddy.

Knowing USA with an american! That is going to be an amazing travel that I intend to enjoy to the edge. 35 days, 15 hours and 25 minutes to go.

permalink written by  me on November 13, 2007 from Sao Paulo, Brazil
from the travel blog: USA here I go!
tagged Home, Planning and Waiting

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Before we met the other side of the world

Vancouver, Canada

The flight tickets are booked, the immunizations have been jabbed and a very rough itinerary has been sketched out. In the past few weeks, I've been religiously reading my travel guides to narrow down the many places to visit within one of the largest regions of the world. Halfway across the world India looks so tiny on a map, I have to keep reminding myself of how large Canada is and what a pain it is to travel between Vancouver and Calgary, given the mountainous terrain. Because we're going for 2.5 months, we're trying to go budget, thus far, all our planned travel is by bus (sketchy driving), train (overnight sleeper trains!) and taxis (more sketchy driving). Between my ambitious destination desires and Dan's indecisiveness, at one point our trip looked like it was going to be spent on the Indian Railways. Although the railway system is an integral part of India, I'm thinking my time may be better spent sampling their fine teas.

The reason why we're traveling the Indian subcontinent this summer is a program called Insight Nepal. I found it online sometime back in March when I was deciding what I wanted to do with my last months of freedom before going back to school. After backpacking India for 2 weeks, we'll head to Nepal (by bus) to start the program. We'll probably be volunteering in Pokhara City, one of the larger cities in Nepal. The program finds a placement with a local NGO as well as places us with a local homestay family that will provide us with room and board. Past participants have said a lot of good things about their entire experience. Interestingly, the majority of participants we got in touch with were also young Canadians, which is also comforting.

Amazingly I have felt little nervousness or anxiety throughout all this planning. Perhaps once the chaos of figuring out the logistics ends and I'm in the car on the way to the airport, it will all hit me. For now, let the excitement reign supreme!

T- 6 Days to takeoff!

permalink written by  K on May 11, 2008 from Vancouver, Canada
from the travel blog: Indian Subcontinent
tagged Planning and Before

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Getting Started

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Getting started on planning our honeymoon. Ok, "planning" is a bit ambitious. Perhaps, "asking companies to spend lots of our money" is a fairer assessment.

Still, they do base they efforts on our initial ideas so we can certainly claim some of the credit ;) That said, the only really strong plans we have given them is that we want about a week in Bhutan, and about a week of (relative) R & R for after the wedding. Just don't tell my fiancee I said "(relative)" - she was originally looking for a week of sun, sea, and sand, and the way things are looking she'll be lucky if she gets the sun part!

Anyway, enough for the first post, and we'll see if I do better at keeping this one up to date than the previous one!

permalink written by  farrago on July 13, 2008 from Edinburgh, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Honeymoon
tagged Honeymoon and Planning

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Planning Day 1

Santa Ana, United States

Well the trip will be from here to there and stuff.,

permalink written by  yourbuddybill on May 1, 2009 from Santa Ana, United States
from the travel blog: Test1
tagged Test, Preparation, Planning and NoTrip

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Countdown continues as I sit at work dreaming of Asia

Derby, United Kingdom

Time until Monday, 13 July 2009, 18:00:00 (UTC time) -
64 days
Well, that's pretty much two months until we leave and neither of us have sorted our visas. Izzy is being far more organised about the whole thing but I am now back at uni so have some time to myself in which to sort it out. No excuses!

We only need 2 visas, one for India and one for Veitnam. Last time I made an appointment at the Birmingham based Indian Embassy for my visa and it was relatively simple. The Vietnamese visa process is new to me but sure I will figure it out. It's mainly the cost, from what I gather it is about £50 for each visa...just another expense but it needs to be done!

I bought a Vietnam Lonely Planet guide and yesterday I finally had some time to sit and read it. I have started putting together an itinerary for our 11 days and it looks to be busy but good. So far it consists of Ho Chi Minh and a visit to the Cu Chi Tunnels, heading briefly south to the Mekong Delta, catching a train north to the coast and on up to Hanoi via Hué and Halong Bay for sure. I have also put together an overall itinerary for the whole trip too in order to maximise our time! With only 6 weeks to do a lot of places, this time we need to be organised. As it stands, we will be visiting 5 countries and travelling many KMs. I feel we may need a holiday by the time we get back!!

I can only speak for myself when I say that the saving is going...well, ok. Not bad, not good. Once the visa costs have dented my already fragile travelling funds I will most likely start to panic that I won't have enough but I'm hoping that by the time we leave it will be a different story. I need to do a budget so I can have evidence to support my panicking!! Argh!!

L x

permalink written by  ljdjandiz on May 10, 2009 from Derby, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Lau and Iz do Asia in 6 weeks
tagged Planning, Itinerary and Saving

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Booking continues

London, United Kingdom

Most visas, tickets, hotels and gadgets have been procured.

permalink written by  johnjmason on July 19, 2009 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Trans Mongolian
tagged London, Planning and Preperations

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Dunstable, United Kingdom

Just started planning and saving for my Round-The-World trip.

Initial plans are to start travelling around October next year (2011).

List of Countries that may be visited:
Easter Island

Total Money saved so far: £300

permalink written by  Lawman on May 20, 2010 from Dunstable, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Round the World Trip
tagged Planning

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Stukje uit januari 2010

Amstelveen, Netherlands

Zow hee, ik las zojuist voor het eerst sinds ik het schreef mijn blog over onze USA Trip 2008... mijn god wat is het toch waar wat ze zeggen van planning: Die is er om in de war te gooien.

We hebben wel gefilmd maar geen tijd gehad om het online te zetten.
We hebben wel business class gevlogen en zelfs in de cockpit gezeten tijdens het opstijgen en landen, maar niet met de purser die we gehoopt hadden.
We hebben heel Niagara Falls en Vermont overgeslagen maar zijn daarentegen wel naar Dayton geweest. Hiervoor hebben we zelfs vliegtickets moeten annuleren en nieuwe moeten kopen!
We hebben geen moment gefeest in studentenstad Boston omdat onze ID-kaarten daar niet geldig zijn om een bar in te komen maar dat was misschien maar goed ook want anders hadden we een hele andere planning gehad en had ik misschien nooit op het zelfde walvisschip gezeten als Sanne... Die nu nog steeds het hart van Ingmar in haar greep heeft. Funny story dat trouwens... Ik had Ingmar beloofd een vriendin voor hem te vinden die vakantie, niets vermoedend dat het me nog zou lukken ook!

Maar ondanks (of misschien dankzij?) al die ongeplande dingen was het wel een vakantie van hoogtepunt na hoogtepunt, nog beter dan ik had kunnen dromen! En we hebben nu wel de America-fever te pakken. Zo erg zelfs dat we het nog een keer gaan doen. Nog langer, nog meer plaatsen bezoeken, nog decadenter, nog vetter, nog verder vliegen en waarschijnlijk nog meer eten!

Dachten we vorige keer zeer vroeg te zijn met het boeken en het plannen van alles (ergens in het voorjaar) zijn we nu nog vroeger! 2010 was nog niet begonnen of we hadden al zo'n beetje ons hele reisschema klaar. Het gros is zelfs al geboekt! Lang leven vroeg-boek-korting :D De planning van dit jaar ziet er als volgt uit:

23 juni - 26 juni: Seattle
26 juni - 1 juli: Hawaii
2 juli - 5 juli: San Francisco
5 juli - 11 juli: Road trip
11 juli - 12 juli: Las Vegas
13 juli - 14 juli: Grand Canyon
14 juli - 18 juli: Los Angeles
19 juli: terug naar huis

In Seattle hebben we natuurlijk de Boeing Factory en de Space Needle.
Op Hawaii gaan we naar het eiland Oahu, waar Honolulu op ligt. Naast uitgebreid op Waikiki beach liggen bakken, gaan we Pearl Harbor bekijken en met een auto allerlei bezienswaardigheden van het eiland bezoeken.
In San Francisco kunnen we onze tijd vullen met de Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf en Independence day. Na een paar dagen daar de stad bezichtigen huren we een auto en gaan we een hele road trip maken. Deze zal ons naar Lake Tahoe en Yosemity National Park brengen om vervolgens langs de beroemde Highway 1 kustweg van Californië helemaal naar Los Angeles te gaan. Daar leveren we de auto in bij het vliegveld en vliegen we naar Las Vegas.
Na 2 avondjes gokken en onze vakantie terug verdiend te hebben rijden we naar de Grand Canyon en daarna gaan we weer terug naar Los Angeles.
De laatste paar dagen van de vakantie blijven we daar om dingen als Hollywood en Orange County te zien.

Het is allemaal pas over een half jaar, maar ik heb nu al het idee dat we tijd te kort komen om alles uit te zoeken en te plannen. Het gaat zo vet worden.

permalink written by  casvv on May 28, 2010 from Amstelveen, Netherlands
from the travel blog: USA 2010
tagged Planning and Experiences

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